Sequel from this question
define a='eee"dd'
prompt &a -- eee"dd OK
host powershell.exe echo '&a'; -- eeedd not OK
host powershell.exe echo &a; -- eeedd not OK
As you can see, I can't print a stirng with a quotation quote in powershell from sql plus. Is there a way to do that.?
I've tried the solution of Alex Poole when the value comes from a query.But it's not working if there is more than one quotation string.
column a new_value a
select replace('eee"d"d', '"', '""') as a from dual;
prompt &a -- eee""d""d Ok as expected
host powershell.exe echo '"&a"'-- eee"dd instead of eee"d"d
It seems to work if you escape the quote (for PowerShell's benefit) by using ""
within the value, and use both types of quotes, for both PowerShell's and SQL*Plus's benefit:
SQL> define a='eee""dd'
SQL> host powershell.exe echo '"&a"'
If you are actually populating the a
variable from a query, as in your previous questions, then you can replace()
quotes with:
column a new_value a
select replace('eee"dd', '"', '""') as a from dual;