I have a .txt file containing following:
Depends: abc
Depends: def
Depends: ghi
I am using ub20.04
While executing following command:
cat demo.txt | awk -F'Depends:' 'NF > 1 {print $2}'
I get output as follows:
But while running:
sudo -s bash -c "cat demo.txt | awk -F'Depends:' 'NF > 1 {print $2}'"
awk command is not working(it is just print the content of the file), output:
Depends: abc
Depends: def
Depends: ghi
awk command is not working(it is just print the content of the file), output:
It is due to the presence of $2
inside the double quotes which is expanded by shell and evaluating to an empty string and then print $2
is becoming just print
, which will obvious print full line.
sudo awk -F 'Depends:' 'NF > 1 {print $2}' demo.txt
Or better use sed
sudo sed 's/^Depends: //' demo.txt
Note that cat
is totally unnecessary as both awk and sed can directly operate on a file.