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Enable ABP Framework Chat Module as default

Hello I currently try to set up a ABP project with some default settings. I want to enable the chat Module as default. What I currently have tried ...

Enable it in the FeatureConfigurator

public static class PortalGlobalFeatureConfigurator
    private static readonly OneTimeRunner OneTimeRunner = new OneTimeRunner();

    public static void Configure()
        OneTimeRunner.Run(() =>
            GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(x => x.EnableAll());
            GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKitPro(x => x.EnableAll());

But when I start the migration I am getting the following Exception:

define the Volo.Abp.GlobalFeatures.GlobalFeatureNameAttribute atttribute!

Enable it in the DataSeed

_featureManager.SetForTenantAsync(tenantId, FeatureNameConstants.Chat, "True");

But when I start the migration I am getting the following Exception

The Chat Module is not Enabled

How can I enable the feature in the first migration without UI interaction ?


  • Finally I figured out how to enable features as default. Maybe this will help others ...

    Use the GlobalFeatureManager only for the CMS features as shown above. Inject the FeatureManager for instance in the SaasDataSeedContributer class

    string feature = "Chat.Enable"
    // For the null tenant
    await _featureManager.SetAsync(feature, "True", "T", null);
    // For every other tenant
    await _featureManager.SetForTenantAsync(tenant.Id, feature, "True", true);