In the Azure Portal the Static Web App has a tab to link an Application Insights instance to the Static Web App:
I'm looking for a way to configure this section via Bicep, but I can't find anything in the Microsoft docs about how to configure it.
So my question is how can I link an Application Insights instance to a Static Web App instance via Bicep template?
To link Application Insights instance into Static Web Apps there is no default Bicep/ARM template available.
We can achieve this by adding Application Insights Instrumentation key in your Static Web App Application Settings.
setting in the config.
Add the child resources of Application Insights instrumentation key in your Static Web App Bicep Template.
resource staticWebAppSettings 'config@2021-01-15' = {
name: 'appsettings'
properties: {
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY: <your appInsightIntrumentationKey>
After Adding above step the Bicep/ARM templates works as expected.
Refer Github discussion to Add Application Insights into Static Web Application.