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Flutter Web page address issue

Hello. I created 3 pages. The pages are as follows:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fotografci_sitesi/pages/home.dart';
import 'package:fotografci_sitesi/pages/profile.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';

void main() {
class mainApp extends StatefulWidget {
  mainApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  State<mainApp> createState() => _mainAppState();

class _mainAppState extends State<mainApp> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: '/',
      routes: {
        homePage.route: (context) => homePage(),
        profile.route: (context) => profile(),
      home: homePage(),


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fotografci_sitesi/pages/profile.dart';

class homePage extends StatefulWidget {
  static const String route = '/home';
  homePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  State<homePage> createState() => _homePageState();

class _homePageState extends State<homePage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: 'Ana ',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("Home"),
        body: Column(
          children: [
              child: Text("Profile"),
              onPressed: () {


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class profile extends StatefulWidget {
  static const String route = '/profile';
  profile({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  State<profile> createState() => _profileState();

class _profileState extends State<profile> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: '/profile',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("Profile"),
        body: Center(
          child: Text("Profile"),

If you look at the codes, I tried to set up a URL system. I want to set up a URL system like this:

  • If it is entered to, I want it to be redirected to homePage via main.dart.
  • If I enter, I want it to be redirected to homePage.
  • If it is entered in, I want it to be redirected to profile.

Actually, I did what I wanted, but there is a problem. For example, when I enter, the URL in the address bar changes to So it goes to the profile in the URL.

How can I solve this problem?

Sorry if I confused you. I think you understand my problem. Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Well, I notice you use both initialRoute and home property in the Material app (NB* ONLY USE ONE!!!). Try removing the home property and using only initialRoute. Also as a rule when you use forward slash as an initalRoute use '/' do not use something like '/profile'. compare with code below ...

      initialRoute: '/',
      routes: {
        '/': (context) => const homepage(),
        '/profile': (context) => const profile(),