I have a test fixture that shares most of the test code. The variations are mostly from a parameter value. I would like to create SetUp()
/ TearDown()
for them, but they (obviously) can't be called with a parameter.
What would the best strategy to use SetUp()
/ TearDown()
mechanisms while avoiding code duplication?
This is my original code :
class FileToolsTest : public testing::Test
void TestReadAndWrite(const wstring& filename, const wstring& content)
// Test code there
ok = FileTools::RemoveFile(filename);
ASSERT_EQ(true, ok);
TEST_F(FileToolsTest, ReadAndWrite_case1)
const wstring testFilename = L"testfile";
const wstring testContent = L"This\nis\ndummy\ndata";
TestReadAndWrite(testFilename, testContent);
TEST_F(FileToolsTest, ReadAndWrite_case2)
const wstring testFilename = L"testfíle";
const wstring testContent = L"This\nis\ndummy\n\nuníc@de datã éééé";
TestReadAndWrite(testFilename, testContent);
TEST_F(FileToolsTest, Write_case3)
const wstring testFilename = L"Micka\x00ebl/fileWithUnicodeFolderInPath2.txt";
if (FileTools::FileExists(testFilename))
const bool ok = FileTools::RemoveFile(testFilename);
// Test code there
As you can see, ::RemoveFile()
is duplicated between TestReadAndWrite()
and Write_case3(), both at test start and test end.
The example of Value-Parameterized Test.
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
struct FileTools {
static bool RemoveFile(const std::wstring&);
struct FileToolsTestParam {
const std::wstring testFilename;
const std::wstring testContent;
} kFileToolsTestParam[] = {
L"This\nis\ndummy\n\nuníc@de datã éééé"
class FileToolsTest : public testing::TestWithParam<FileToolsTestParam> {
void SetUp() override {
const auto& param = GetParam();
void TearDown() override {
const auto& param = GetParam();
const bool ok = FileTools::RemoveFile(param.testContent);
ASSERT_EQ(true, ok);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FileTools, FileToolsTest, testing::ValuesIn(kFileToolsTestParam));
TEST_P(FileToolsTest, ReadAndWrite) {
// Test code there