I wanted to know how I can use keyword "run keyword if" for my script. For Context, my webpage has a graph that shows if users have been connected and if no users are connected it shows a "No data Found" image. So, i want to use "run keyword if" with "Page should contain Element Locator" for the graph. if it passes , well and good, if not, I want to use "ELSE Page should contain element Locator" for the no data found image. So, how do I go on about achieving this?
By combining it with Run Keyword And Return Status
- your want to first check for one of the conditions, the most probable - say it's the graph being present; and if it's not, then check for the other case:
${graph shown}= Run Keyword And Return Status Page should contain Element Locator_graph
Run Keyword If not ${graph shown} Page should contain Element Locator_no_data
BTW if you're using Robot Framework v5 and up, you can use IF
instead of Run Keyword If