I have a function with return type RIO as follows:
object Compresser {
val buffer = ZManaged.fromAutoCloseable(ZIO.succeed(new ByteArrayOutputStream()))
val stream = for {
b <- buffer
s <- ZManaged.fromAutoCloseable(ZIO.succeed(new DeflaterOutputStream(b, false)))
} yield (b, s)
def compress(input: Array[Byte]): RIO[blocking.Blocking, Array[Byte]] = stream.use { case (buffer, stream) =>
for {
() <- blocking.effectBlocking(stream.write(input))
() <- blocking.effectBlocking(stream.flush())
result = buffer.toByteArray
} yield result
I am having trouble writing a unit test for this function, is there any way to check if the returned result is a Throwable or Array[Byte] and compare the actual result with the expected? Something like this:
object CompresserSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec{
def spec = suite("Compresser")(
test("Compress an empty string") {
val input = ""
val expected = Array[Byte](0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 3, 0)
val output: IO[Throwable, Array[Byte]] = compress(input.getBytes("UTF-8")).provide(Has(Blocking))
//Something like: assert(output)(equalTo(expected))
test("Compress null") {
val output: IO[Throwable, Array[Byte]] = compress(null).provide(Has(Blocking))
//Something like: assert(output)(NullPointerException)
Turns out what I need is just a testM comes with a for comprehension
object ZDeflaterSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec{
def spec : ZSpec[Environment, Failure] = suite("Compresser")(
testM("Compress an empty string") {
val input = ""
val expected = Array[Byte](0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 3, 0)
for {
output <- compress(input.getBytes("UTF-8")).provide(Has(Blocking.Service.live))
} yield assert(output)(equalTo(expected))