I have a simple class that enqueues actions to execute:
BlockingCollection<Action> blockingCollectionOfEvents = new BlockingCollection<Action>();
System.Threading.Thread workerThread;
public EventQueue()
this.workerThread = new Thread(DequeueEvents);
public void EnqueueEvent(Action action)
if (this.blockingCollectionOfEvents.IsAddingCompleted == false)
void DequeueEvents()
foreach (Action action in this.blockingCollectionOfEvents.GetConsumingEnumerable())
All is working fine.
Now I need to cancel the tasks already inside the BlockingCollection but as these tasks must release an allocated resource, I can't just empty the BlockingCollection.
I need to signal these tasks to execute an alternate code just to free the resource.
What would be the best solution? Send a reference to a "cancel object" that I send also as a parameter to each task? Or is there a better solution?
I ended up using a static bool and it works, this is the quickest solution so I don't change all my code.
In my EventQueue object:
public volatile static bool bCancelAll = false;
And the client object using it also sends the static bool from EventQueue, so inside the CalculateTask function I can use it to make decisions accordingly:
this.eventQueue.Enqueue(() => CalculateTask(idToProcess, EventQueue.bCancelAll));
To cancel all then I just do:
EventQueue.bCancelAll = true;