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Large scale data processing Hbase vs Cassandra

I am nearly landed at Cassandra after my research on large scale data storage solutions. But its generally said that Hbase is better solution for large scale data processing and analysis.

While both are same key/value storage and both are/can run (Cassandra recently) Hadoop layer then what makes Hadoop a better candidate when processing/analysis is required on large data.

I also found good details about both at

but I'm still looking for concrete advantages of Hbase.

While I am more convinced about Cassandra because its simplicity for adding nodes and seamless replication and no point of failure features. And it also keeps secondary index feature so its a good plus.


  • Trying to determine which is best for you really depends on what you are going to use it for, they each have their advantages and without any more details it becomes more of a religious war. That post you referenced is also more than a year old and both have gone through many changes since then. Please also keep in mind I am not familiar with the more recent Cassandra developments.

    Having said that, I'll paraphrase HBase committer Andrew Purtell and add some of my own experiences:

    • HBase is in larger production environments (1000 nodes) although that is still in the ballpark of Cassandra's ~400 node installs so its really a marginal difference.

    • HBase and Cassandra both supports replication between clusters/datacenters. I believe HBase's exposes more to the user so it appears more complicated but then you also get more flexibility.

    • If strong consistency is what your application needs then HBase is likely a better fit. It is designed from the ground up to be consistent. For example it allows for simpler implementation of atomic counters (I think Cassandra just got them) as well as Check and Put operations.

    • Write performance is great, from what I understand that was one of the reasons Facebook went with HBase for their messenger.

    • I'm not sure of the current state of Cassandra's ordered partitioner, but in the past it required manual rebalancing. HBase handles that for you if you want. The ordered partitioner is important for Hadoop style processing.

    • Cassandra and HBase are both complex, Cassandra just hides it better. HBase exposes it more via using HDFS for its storage, if you look at the codebase Cassandra is just as layered. If you compare the Dynamo and Bigtable papers you can see that Cassandra's theory of operation is actually more complex.

    • HBase has more unit tests FWIW.

    • All Cassandra RPC is Thrift, HBase has a Thrift, REST and native Java. The Thrift and REST do only offer a subset of the total client API but if you want pure speed the native Java client is there.

    • There are advantages to both peer to peer and master to slave. The master - slave setup generally makes it easier to debug and reduces quite a bit of complexity.

    • HBase is not tied to only traditional HDFS, you can change out your underlying storage depending on your needs. MapR looks quite interesting and I have heard good things although I have not used it myself.