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How to change colors of a tempa element plus in nuxt3?

We have a Nuxt3 installation and we are trying to use Element ui.

We would like to know how we can change the colors.

I tried to enter the site that customizes the themes, but it is not working.

I also tried including the change inside a var.css file

Create a new style file in assets/css/index.scss

Imported in css: ['~/assets/scss/index.scss' ] on nuxt.config file

Nothing happens.

@forward 'element-plus/theme-chalk/src/common/var.scss' with (
  $colors: (
    'primary': (
      'base': green,


  • Resolved.

    $colors: (
            'primary': (
                    'base': #ff8900,
            'success': (
                    'base': #13ce66,
            'warning': (
                    'base': #ffba00,
            'danger': (
                    'base': #ff4949,
            'error': (
                    'base': #db2828,
            'info': (
                    'base': #42b8dd,
    @forward "element-plus/theme-chalk/src/common/var.scss" with (
    // do not use same name, it will override.
    $colors: $colors
    @use "element-plus/theme-chalk/src/index.scss" as *;