I have a xml file which has a repeating element generating multiple values.
I would like to split all the values generated from that xpath delimited by any delimiter like , |_
I have tried the following which did not work -
tokenize(/*:ShippedUnit/*:Containment/*:ContainerManifest/*:Consignments/*:Consignment/*:ConsignmentHeader/*:ConsignmentRef, '\s')
replace(/*:ShippedUnit/*:Containment/*:ContainerManifest/*:Consignments/*:Consignment/*:ConsignmentHeader/*:ConsignmentRef," ","_")
example :
Now getting - CBR123 CBR678 CBR656
Expecting to get - CBR123|CBR678|CBR656
Note : In some transactions, there can be only one value present for that xpath. And therefore replace doesnot work here
To achieve the expected result assuming the sample source XML added to the comments in the original post, use the fn:string-join()
This will return:
For more on this function, see https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions-31/#func-string-join.