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How to append a delimiter between multiple values coming from a repeating field in xquery

I have a xml file which has a repeating element generating multiple values. I would like to split all the values generated from that xpath delimited by any delimiter like , |_ I have tried the following which did not work -

tokenize(/*:ShippedUnit/*:Containment/*:ContainerManifest/*:Consignments/*:Consignment/*:ConsignmentHeader/*:ConsignmentRef, '\s')

replace(/*:ShippedUnit/*:Containment/*:ContainerManifest/*:Consignments/*:Consignment/*:ConsignmentHeader/*:ConsignmentRef," ","_")

example :

Now getting - CBR123 CBR678 CBR656

Expecting to get - CBR123|CBR678|CBR656

Note : In some transactions, there can be only one value present for that xpath. And therefore replace doesnot work here


  • To achieve the expected result assuming the sample source XML added to the comments in the original post, use the fn:string-join() function:


    This will return:


    For more on this function, see