I need to do a is nothing
check on a Variant array to exclude empty indexes from being used. I use is nothing
to capture empty indexes which hold (empty) objects, it works fine but for indexes that hold regular data types (not objects), it throws an exception.
Dim arrArray() as Variant
'... fill array with values but leave some indexes out
'Loop through the array
For i = LBound(arrArray) To UBound(arrArray)
'Check if the current array item is an empty object
If arrArray(i) Is Nothing Then
'don't debug.print
'Debug if it's not an empty object
Debug.Print arrArray(i)
End If
I could use on error resume next
but since error handling is done dynamically it would change the error handling status so I would like to avoid that. If it can't be avoided please check my other question.
Note: Currently I just work with empty objects, at some point in the future I might get an actual object. So in the long run I will have to check if the index contains an existing object (otherwise - I presume - debug.print will throw an error).
Please, try the next function. It will return a cleaned array (without empty elements) for a wide range of elements type:
Function elimEmptyArrayElements(arrX As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Long, arrNoEmpty, k As Long
ReDim arrNoEmpty(UBound(arrX)): k = 0
For i = LBound(arrX) To UBound(arrX)
If Not IsMissing(arrX(i)) Then
If Not IsObject(arrX(i)) Then
If TypeName(arrX(i)) = "String" Then
If arrX(i) <> "" Then
arrNoEmpty(k) = arrX(i): k = k + 1
End If
If Not IsEmpty(arrX(i)) Then
arrNoEmpty(k) = arrX(i): k = k + 1
End If
End If
Set arrNoEmpty(k) = arrX(i): k = k + 1
End If
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrNoEmpty(k - 1)
elimEmptyArrayElements = arrNoEmpty
End Function
Please, test it using the next Sub
. It will stop on each pair of initial/cleaned array representation. When possible, both arrays are joined in Immediate Window
If not possible, only the number of their elements (Ubound(arr)
) is returned. You may iterate between each array elements and see that no empty one exists:
Sub testElimEmptyArrayElements()
Dim arr
arr = Split("1,7,9,,10,5,6,,2,8,3,4", ",")
Debug.Print Join(arr, "|") 'just to visually see the initial array content
arr = elimEmptyArrayElements(arr)
Debug.Print Join(arr, "|"): Stop 'the cleaned array
arr = Application.Transpose(Range("A2:A20").value) 'a 1D array extracted from a column range
Debug.Print Join(arr, "|")
arr = elimEmptyArrayElements(arr)
Debug.Print Join(arr, "|"): Stop 'the cleaned array
arr = Array(1, 2, 3, , 4, , 5): Debug.Print "Initial number of numeric elements: " & UBound(arr)
arr = elimEmptyArrayElements(arr): Debug.Print "Cleaned array number of numeric elements: " & UBound(arr): Stop
arr = Array(Range("A2"), Range("A3"), , Range("A6")): Debug.Print "Initial number of Range Object elements: " & UBound(arr)
arr = elimEmptyArrayElements(arr): Debug.Print "Cleaned array number of Range elements: " & UBound(arr): Stop
arr = Array(ActiveSheet, , ActiveSheet.Next): Debug.Print "Initial number of Sheet Object elements: " & UBound(arr)
arr = elimEmptyArrayElements(arr): Debug.Print "Cleaned array number of Sheet Object elements: " & UBound(arr): Stop
arr = Array("my string", 100, Range("A2"), , ActiveSheet, , ThisWorkbook, "test", 6): Debug.Print "Initial number of variate elements: " & UBound(arr)
arr = elimEmptyArrayElements(arr): Debug.Print "Cleaned array number of variate types elements: " & UBound(arr)
Debug.Print arr(2).value 'the cell value
Debug.Print arr(3).name 'the activesheet name
Debug.Print arr(4).Sheets.count 'activeworkbook number of sheets
End Sub