I'm experimenting with Haskell
profiling with a simple recursive max
max_tag :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
max_tag head [] = head
max_tag head (x:xs) =
let {m = max_tag x xs} in
let {b = (Prelude.<=) m head} in
case b of {True -> head; False -> m}
When I compare it to a python imperative equivalent, I get a 10x speed factor in favor of python:
with open("input.txt") as fl:
data = [int(d) for d in fl.read().splitlines()]
max_ = 0
for d in data:
if max_ < d:
max_ = d
case, am I right?1M
unsigned, unbounded integers (on average 32 digits)For completeness, here is the complete Haskell
file (not sure it is needed):
import Max
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import Prelude
readInt :: String -> Integer
readInt = read
max_tag :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
max_tag head [] = head
max_tag head (x:xs) =
let {m = max_tag x xs} in
let {b = (Prelude.<=) m head} in
case b of {True -> head; False -> m}
main = do
args <- getArgs
contents <- readFile "input.txt"
let numbers_as_strings = words $ contents
let numbers = map readInt numbers_as_strings
let max_number = max_tag 0 numbers
print max_number
EDIT: refactor suggested by @Willem Van Onsem, works ! (28 sec -> 12 sec)
max_bar :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
max_bar head [] = head
max_bar head (x:xs) =
let {b = head < x} in
let {m = case b of {True -> x; False -> head}} in
max_bar m xs
Any ideas on further improvements? I must be faster than python !
Using this to benchmark your function should make it go much faster (also be sure to use text
version 2.0 or later):
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
readInt :: T.Text -> Integer
readInt t =
case T.signed T.decimal t of
Right (x, _) -> x
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
contents <- T.readFile "input.txt"
let numbers_as_strings = T.words contents
let numbers = map readInt numbers_as_strings
let max_number = max_tag 0 numbers
print max_number
You can also speed up your max_tag
function itself by making it tail recursive and thus avoiding a bunch of memory allocations:
max_tag :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
max_tag head [] = head
max_tag head (x:xs)
| x <= head = max_tag head xs
| otherwise = max_tag x xs
You can make it even slightly faster by using foldr
so that you get foldr/build fusion with map readInt
max_tag :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
max_tag x0 xs = foldr (\x go y -> if x > y then go x else go y) id xs x0