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yt-dlp get audio only link -> ffmpeg piped audio -> ffplay

Ok, i have a perl script that i am trying to figure out why it is throwing an io error. First i use yt-dlg to get the link of only the audio - this works as expected and i can navigate to the link in a browser just fine. then i open a ffmpeg pipe in perl and then try to read the output from ffmpeg and eventually, if i can get this working, i will process the ffmpeg output then send to a named pipe.

the problem comes from the ffmpeg when i am processing the data from the link obtained with yt-dlp, and i think it has to do with my while loop but i am not sure what. i have a named pipe called "input". i summon ffmpeg with the following:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $file = /path/to/named/pipe
my $read_len = 1024;

open (my $SOURCE_AUDIO, '-|', "ffmpeg -y -i \'$link\' -map 0 -c copy -ac 2 -f opus -ar 48000 pipe:1");

# process the ffmpeg output.i have a function i want to implement here, 
# but i need to be able to parse ffmpeg output in set read lengths

while( read($SOURCE_AUDIO, my $buf, $read_len)){
print $file $buf;

but before the end of the playback, somewhere around the end of the audio stream ffmpeg throws errors like this:

[tls @ 0x5d0de00] Error in the pull function..2kbits/s speed=1.21x
[tls @ 0x5d0de00] IO error: Connection reset by peer
[tls @ 0x5d0de00] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
    Last message repeated 1 times
https://rr3---sn-(truncated): Input/output error
size=    1021kB time=00:01:18.36 bitrate= 106.7kbits/s speed=1.21x
video:0kB audio:1012kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.808163%

i am not sure what is causing it to end early, or what is causing it to be terminated. i can download the file and re-encode it (if needed) and then play it flawlessly with ffplay, but i cannot, for the life of me, parse ffmpeg output and write it to a named pipe. any help sure would be appreciated. thanks

P.S. i am using latest updated windows 11 and WSL's built in perl:

This is perl 5, version 30, subversion 0 (v5.30.0) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
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  • i was able to get around this error by letting yt-dlp handle the downloading, then piped yt-dlp output to ffmpeg. then i was able to read ffmpeg output in my while loop:

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    my $query = shift;
    open my $file, '+>', "/home/user/pipes/input" or die $!;
    # system("yt-dlp -q -f bestaudio[acodec=opus] ytsearch:'$query' -o - | ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i pipe: -map 0 -c copy -ac 2 -f opus -ar 48000 pipe: | ffplay -i pipe:");
    open(my $SOURCE_AUDIO, '-|', "yt-dlp -q -f bestaudio[acodec=opus] ytsearch:'$query' -o - | ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i pipe: -map 0 -c copy -ac 2 -f opus -ar 48000 pipe:");
    while ( <$SOURCE_AUDIO> ) {
        print $file $_;
        print length($_) . "\n"; # prints length of current data stream captured from ffmpeg

    works as i would expect it to.