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Codemagic issue with provisioning profile IOS

I had few successful builds few days ago and I even published new app version! Today I tried to run it again and when building IOS project on Codemagic I got the following error in "xcode-project use-profiles" step:

Completed configuring code signing settings
Did not find matching provisioning profiles for code signing!
Generated options for exporting the project
 - Method: ad-hoc
 - Provisioning Profiles: []
 - Signing Certificate: 
 - Signing Style: manual
 - Team Id: 
Saved export options to /Users/builder/export_options.plist

but the step before "Set up signing certificate" was successful

Add certificates to keychain /Users/builder/Library/codemagic-cli-tools/keychains/29-05-22_m73tdocl.keychain-db
Searching for files matching /Users/builder/Library/MobileDevice/Certificates/*.p12
Add certificate /Users/builder/Library/MobileDevice/Certificates/DISTRIBUTION_W29TD264AN_onqr7_8i.p12 to keychain /Users/builder/Library/codemagic-cli-tools/keychains/29-05-22_m73tdocl.keychain-db
1 key imported.
1 certificate imported.

my codemagic.yml

any ideas?


  • I solved it after debugging the whole codemagic-cli-tool open source library!

    In short

    Change your release PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER in project.pbxproj from org.reactjs.native.example.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier) to org.reactjs.native.example.myApp (to match your bundle id)

    Full Answer:

    Did not find matching provisioning profiles log is a result of xcode-project use-profiles command compering real local bundle_id (like org.reactjs.native.example.myApp) with bundle_id within the provisioning profile that generate from PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER variable in project.pbxproj file.
    It could be org.reactjs.native.example.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier) as your bundle id (more about it explained here)
    In order to solve it, make the following steps:

    • Go to appName.xcodeproj -> project.pbxproj
    • Find under Begin XCBuildConfiguration section your release section and find PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER
    • Change PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER from org.reactjs.native.example.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier) to org.reactjs.native.example.myApp to match your bundle id