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.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Popup PopupHandler is incompatible

I started working with .NET MAUI. I ran into a problem just by starting my development. I want to show a popup and I'm using the Community Toolkit.

All I did is:

I created a new .NET MAUI Application Project, installed the Community Toolkit NuGet Package (of course also the .UseMauiCommunityToolkit in the start up class) and added a XAML File for the Popup:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<toolkit:Popup xmlns=""

        <Label Text="This is a very important message!" />


I've no partial class for this popup

I just modified the button on MainPage to display the popup:

    private void OnCounterClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

        var popup = new ProfilePopup();



If I run this application and click on the button to display the popup I'll get the error message:

CommunityToolkit.Maui.Core.Handlers.PopupHandler found for TestApp.ProfilePopup is incompatible

If I create the popup in C#, it works:

    private void OnCounterClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var popup = new Popup
            Content = new VerticalStackLayout
                Children =
            new Label
                Text = "This is a very important message!"



Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!



  • I reproduced the error message.

    THE CAUSE: "I've no partial class for this popup".

    That won't work. without that, there is no InitializeComponent call. The result is not a valid View.

    To fix the problem,

    First make sure you have got the toolkit registered in MauiProgram.cs:

    using CommunityToolkit.Maui;

    then you must have

    file ProfilePopup.xaml.cs containing:

    public partial class ProfilePopup : CommunityToolkit.Maui.Views.Popup
        public ProfilePopup()

    I generate custom views using these steps:

    1. Project / Add New Item / .NET MAUI ContentView (XAML).
    2. Give name "MyView". This adds TWO files to project: MyView.xaml and MyView.xaml.cs.
    3. In MyView.xaml, add needed xmlns and change base class.
    <ContentView xmlns=...

    change to:

    <toolkit:Popup xmlns=
    1. In MyView.xaml.cs, change base class.
    public partial class ProfilePopup : ContentView

    change to:

    public partial class ProfilePopup : CommunityToolkit.Maui.Views.Popup