I learned it's best to keep environment variable values outside of your source control. This is done by default obviously, but when using dot-env, they strongly advises against checking in the .env file.
However, I need to have a docker file for my app so I can build and deploy it. I also decided to not use the ENV instruction inside my dockerfile because I check in that file into my repository.
But then how do I test my docker image on my machine if it doesn't have environment variables in it? I need to either:
My question is: Should I store environment variables in my dockerfile if it gets checked into my repository?
Should I store environment variables in my dockerfile if it gets checked into my repository?
You should not: Any value your Dockerfile need (value that you can get from an external referential, like a Git repository) can be passed as ARG
You can then docker build
your image using:
docker build --build-arg arg1=arg1Value .
In your Dockerfile, you would then have (combining ARG
and ENV
ARG arg1
ENV myvar=${arg1}