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Pulp staffing optimization problem: shift combination constraint

I'm trying to solve a staffing optimization problem and this is the model I have.

First constraint: a minimum number of employee needs to be scheduled for each shift.

For exemple:

shift requirement
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 1

Second constraint: An employee can work 0 shift, 1 shift, or 2 shift and it can't be whatever shift.

Let me explain, if the employee works 2 shifts, they need exactly 1 shift break between each.

This is the list of the possible combination:

shift shift
1 3
2 4
3 5

Desired outcome:

Let's assume these are my employees:

  1. Robin
  2. Mathew
  3. George
  4. Elisa

This is what a valid solution could look like

shift employee
1 Robin
2 George
3 Robin, Mathew
4 George, Elisa
5 Mathew

Robin 1, 3

George 2, 4

Mathew 3, 5

Elisa 4

I have no problem with the first constraint. It's more the second constraint I'm struggling to implement in Pulp. I would appreciate it if you could give me pointers.


Edit: This is the code I have right now, trying to go the way @airsquid suggested

# constraint 1: must schedule someone at shift 1, 2, 5
for shift, patterns in vars_by_shift.items():
    if shift == 1 or shift == 2 or shift == 5:
        prob += sum(vars_by_shift[shift]) >= 1
    elif shift == 4 or shift == 5:  # and 2 persons at shift 4 and 5
        prob += sum(vars_by_shift[shift]) >= 2

# constraint 2: agent can at most be scheduled 1 time among all patterns
for agent in agent_names:
    prob += sum(vars_by_agent[agent]) <= 1

Where vars_by_shift looks like this

    1: [1_3,1,robin, 1,1,robin, 1_3,1,mathew, 1,1,mathew, 1_3,1,george, 1,1,george, 1_3,1,elisa, 1,1,elisa], 
    2: [2_4,2,robin, 2,2,robin, 2_4,2,mathew, 2,2,mathew, 2_4,2,george, 2,2,george, 2_4,2,elisa, 2,2,elisa], 
    3: [3_5,3,robin, 3,3,robin, 3_5,3,mathew, 3,3,mathew, 3_5,3,george, 3,3,george, 3_5,3,elisa, 3,3,elisa], 
    4: [2_4,4,robin, 4,4,robin, 2_4,4,mathew, 4,4,mathew, 2_4,4,george, 4,4,george, 2_4,4,elisa, 4,4,elisa], 
    5: [3_5,5,robin, 5,5,robin, 3_5,5,mathew, 5,5,mathew, 3_5,5,george, 5,5,george, 3_5,5,elisa, 5,5,elisa]

and vars_by_agent like this:

    'robin': [1_3,1,robin, 1,1,robin, 2_4,2,robin, 2,2,robin, 3_5,3,robin, 3,3,robin, 2_4,4,robin, 4,4,robin, 3_5,5,robin, 5,5,robin], 
    'mathew': [1_3,1,mathew, 1,1,mathew, 2_4,2,mathew, 2,2,mathew, 3_5,3,mathew, 3,3,mathew, 2_4,4,mathew, 4,4,mathew, 3_5,5,mathew, 5,5,mathew], 
    'george': [1_3,1,george, 1,1,george, 2_4,2,george, 2,2,george, 3_5,3,george, 3,3,george, 2_4,4,george, 4,4,george, 3_5,5,george, 5,5,george], 
    'elisa': [1_3,1,elisa, 1,1,elisa, 2_4,2,elisa, 2,2,elisa, 3_5,3,elisa, 3,3,elisa, 2_4,4,elisa, 4,4,elisa, 3_5,5,elisa, 5,5,elisa]

I get an infeasible solution when calling solve() and I'm not sure why.

Final edit:

Thank you so much @AirSquid

Finally got a valid solution.

The key was in making sure I don't duplicate decision variables when storing them in the different dictionaries.

def shift_to_be_sent_to(pattern):
    shifts = []
    for shift in range(1, 6):
        if coverage_map[pattern, shift] == 1:
    return shifts

Final code is available here


  • I really like the other solution presented, which is great for larger generalizations of this type of problem. For the complexity of the problem presented, I think you could get by with a simpler approach that uses enumeration of the possible shifts in a simple way.

    In your problem description, each employee may be assigned only 1 of 8 patterns of work (or no assignment at all). That gives rise to a 2-indexed binary variable:

    assign[employee, pattern]

    The relationship of the "pattern" to the requirement in each shift is known, so you then have a model parameter that pairs these 2 things:

    fulfills[pattern, shift] = {('p1', 's1'): 1, ... }

    with a little elbow grease, and some summation constraints, you have a model with that variable, parameter, 3 sets (employees, patterns, shifts) and 3 or 4 constraints

    This works fine in the case described because it is possible to enumerate the acceptable patterns fairly easily and the relationship of pattern:outcome is a 1-to-1 pairing.

    Edit: augmented regarding your posted code...

    You are on the right track... kinda... lol. I think your approach can be successful, I had something a little different in mind that is not triple indexed, but yours can work.

    2 probs you have: you have typo in your constraint for shifts. You have shift '5' instead of '3' for 2 requirement. Also, if you look at your vars_by_shift you'll note that for shift 3 you are not crediting the 1-3 combo!! You might want to restructure that part a bit. Here is an idea on how you can get the shifts associated with patterns more easily. (Realize there are a bunch of ways to do this):

    Example code:

    cov_file = 'coverages.csv'
    coverages = dict()
    with open(cov_file, 'r') as src:
        for line in src:
            data = line.strip().split(',')
            pattern = data[0]
            shifts = [int(t) for t in data[1:]]
            coverages[pattern] = shifts
    shifts = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    patterns = coverages.keys()
    coverage_map = dict()
    for (p, s) in [(p, s) for p in patterns for s in shifts]:
        coverage_map[p, s] = 1 if s in coverages[p] else 0




    {('A', 1): 1, ('A', 2): 0, ('A', 3): 0, ('A', 4): 0, ('B', 1): 1, ('B', 2): 0, ('B', 3): 1, ('B', 4): 0, ('C', 1): 0, ('C', 2): 1, ('C', 3): 0, ('C', 4): 1, ('D', 1): 0, ('D', 2): 1, ('D', 3): 1, ('D', 4): 1}