In PowerBi desktop I have two different tables with different data that share 1 column. The tables contain information about products and each table has a column titled "SKU ID". I want to create a measure that counts how many products have a matching SKU ID from a different table. I hope that makes sense. Below are my tables:
So I just want a measure that counts how many Product Names have a SKU ID that matches a Truck Route with the same SKU ID. I've been stuck for days! Thank you all in advance!
UPDATE Tables in text format are as follows:
Product Name | SKU ID
Toy 182772
Boat 294773
Car 928844
Cup 277453
Plate 933111
Chair 182772
Table 182772
Remote 277453
Fork 933111
Truck Route | SKU ID
MEM1 182772
SDF3 294773
DTW1 928844
SAN8 277453
MIA8 933111
MIA8 182772
SAN8 182772
MEM1 277453
SDF3 933111
** I am looking for a result where if you click on the table in PowerBi on route MEM1 - 3. So when you click on MEM1, the count of matching SKU IDs is returned from the Product name table.
Your data looks very unusual to me so it is hard to know precisely what the output should look like. Normally, you would achieve this in PBI using relationships but as I said your data is hard to understand without more context. Is the following what you want:
If so, add a table and add the truck route and SKU ID fields making sure they're set to Don't Summarise.
Add a measure as follows:
Measure = COUNTROWS(FILTER(Products, Products[SKU ID] = SELECTEDVALUE('Truck Routes'[SKU ID])))
Drag the measure into the table as the 3rd column.