I am running a class based app using celery, but I am noting that when two processes run simultaneously, certain staticmethods in the class are not acting independently. Here is the app invocation
import os
from PriceOptimization.celery import app
from .Tasks_Sim.sim import Sim, final_report
def simulation(clients, deciles):
s = Sim(**sim_params)
market_by_year = s.control_flow(my_save_path)
report = final_report(market_by_year)
return report
Within my Sim app, I have a class method that creates id's for my instance as follows
class Company:
company_id = 0
def set_company_no(cls):
cls.company_id += 1
return cls.company_id-1
def __init__(self, companies, year):
self._company_id = Company.set_company_no()
self._company_year = year
Usually the first task instantiated will complete successfully, but on the next invocation, I am getting a list index out of range error that suggests to me that my workers are not independent and that my company_id
object is not commencing from zero with the next invocation. How can I prevent this side effect and have each app run independently?
For now, I have elected to make my process run sequentially using a redis lock:
from settings import REDIS_INSTANCE
def simulation(clients, deciles):
timeout = (60 * 5)
have_lock = False
my_lock = REDIS_INSTANCE.lock(REDIS_LOCK_KEY, timeout=timeout)
while have_lock == False:
have_lock = my_lock.acquire(blocking=False)
if have_lock:
print('unique process commencing...')
s = Sim(**sim_params)
market_by_year = s.control_flow(my_save_path)
report = final_report(market_by_year)
print('waiting for lock to commence...')
return report