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Prisma Mongodb can't create a user model

So I am using Prisma for the first time and my provider is mongodb and when I want to create a model it throws me an error

Invalid `prisma.user.create()` invocation:

  Prisma needs to perform transactions, which requires your MongoDB server to be run 
as a replica set.

I am using Prisma in a nextjs app and I put the code inside the API pages

My DATABASE_URL is mongodb://localhost:27017/threadzees

Code :

await prisma.user.create({
      data: {
        avatar: "1",
        createdAt: new Date(),

How do I fix this issue?


  • I'm Running Mongodb 4+ version I solved it as below As the error describes you need to create a replica. Either you can use cloud based Mongo or locally you can create a replica like below.

    # Open new terminal execute below command
     mongod --port=27001 --dbpath=. --replSet=rs0
    # Open another terminal window execute below command
    # Then below command
    rs.initiate( {    _id : "rs0", members: [ { _id: 0, host: "localhost:27001" } ] })
    # your new connection String
    1. --dbpath : Is your data path directory (above command points to current directory)
    2. --replSet=rs0 : Replica name
    3. Read more @

    Happy coding :)