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Using defaultdict function in verb tags counting

Could you please explain why the defaultdict function does not define verbs in the code following? Googling tells me that the syntax is fine. Please help! Thanks in advance :)

My code

import spacy
from collections import defaultdict
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
!pip install pandas==0.24.2 --user
import pandas as pd

def calculate_the_word_types(df):
  verbs = defaultdict(calculate_the_word_types)

for i, row in df.iterrows():
  doc = nlp(row["text"])

for v in map(lambda x: x.lemma_, filter(lambda x: (x.pos_ == 'AUX') | (x.pos_ == 'VERB'), doc)):
  verbs[v] += 1, "nr_verb", len(list(map(lambda x: x.text,
                                                 filter(lambda x: (x.pos_ == 'AUX') | (x.pos_ == 'VERB'), doc)))))

return df

Error code

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-7e7c626bb331> in <module>()
     14 for v in map(lambda x: x.lemma_, filter(lambda x: (x.pos_ == 'AUX') | (x.pos_ == 'VERB'), doc)):
---> 15   verbs[v] += 1
     16, "nr_verb", len(list(map(lambda x: x.text,
     17                                                  filter(lambda x: (x.pos_ == 'AUX') | (x.pos_ == 'VERB'), doc)))))

NameError: name 'verbs' is not defined


  • set_value() function is deprecated.

    As replacement, you can use ".at" like this:["YOURINDEX", "YOURCOLUMN"] = "YOURVALUE". Also, you have issue on this line verbs = defaultdict(calculate_the_word_types) initialize with 0 since it will act as counter.

    And fix your indentation

    working code -

    import spacy
    from collections import defaultdict
    nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
    !pip install pandas==0.24.2 --user
    import pandas as pd
    def calculate_the_word_types(df):
        verbs = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        # count all tokens, but not the punctuations
        for i, row in df.iterrows():
            doc = nlp(row["text"])
            # count only the verbs
            for v in map(lambda x: x.lemma_, filter(lambda x: (x.pos_ == 'AUX') | (x.pos_ == 'VERB'), doc)):
                verbs[v] += 1
  [i, "nr_verb"] = len(list(map(lambda x: x.text, 
                                            filter(lambda x: (x.pos_ == 'AUX') | (x.pos_ == 'VERB'), doc)))) 
        return df
    # dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame({'text':['hello there', 'I love Tatooine', 'I hate sands']})
    # print the dataframe with verb count

    Output -

            text      nr_verb
    0   hello there     0.0
    1   I love Tatooine 1.0
    2   I hate sands    1.0