Im trying to run a zabbix server to monitor all my docker containers.
I have downloaded the github from
I have tried to use the
I ve seen there is a sqlite proxy service but i dont know how to configure it so the server runs on sqlite? Which services should i keep so it runs well on sqlite? I guess i can get rid of apache and nginx?
I have tried to look at the depends_on sections but the zabbix-server service depends on mysql-server, so i dont see how to run it on the zabbix-proxy-sqlite3 service.
I have tried to look for documentation but the wiki only gives docker related documentation and say the docker-compose.yml files are overloaded.
thank you
best regards
how to configure it so the server runs on sqlite?
Zabbix server does not support sqlite. Zabbix proxy supports sqlite. It's not a proxy for sqlite, it's zabbix proxy service running using sqlite database.
I am not aware of the reasoning, but do not install such a big service with sqlite, it's too big. Use a real database.