I am trying to search through a binary search tree using a recursive method in C#.
So far I am able to successfully execute this method using two parameters:
public bool Search(int value, Node start)
if(start == null) {
return false;
else if(value == start.value) {
return true;
else {
if(value < start.value) {
Search(value, start.LeftChild.value);
else {
Search(value, start.RightChild.value);
However I would like to see if there's a way to use only one parameter such as using the following method signature:
public bool Search(int value){}
I also have the following that I can use to access the tree:
public class BinarySearchTree
private Node<int> root;
public Node<int> Root { get => root; set => root = value; }
public BinarySearchTree()
this.root = null;
public bool Search(int value)
return SearchTree(value, root);
bool SearchTree(int value, Node<int> start)
if(start == null)
return false;
else if(value == start.Value)
return true;
if(value < start.Value)
return SearchTree(value, start.LeftChild);
return SearchTree(value, start.RightChild);