I am using SQL server to select this table and group the customer id and first name according to their total payments made to the store. I tried using
select custid, name, sum(payment)
from transactions
group by custid
order by payment desc
but it returns the following error:
not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause
Could you please clarify what I did wrong?
this is my customer table
cust id | payment | name |
T001 | 60 | katy |
T002 | 12 | amy |
T003 | 40 | leon |
T001 | 20 | katy |
this is the result table I want to get
cust id | payment | name |
T001 | 80 | katy |
T003 | 12 | amy |
T002 | 40 | leon |
The error refers to the name or payment columns, both of which you refer to without aggregating.
You need to order by the same expression or provide the column an alias; column name inconsistencies aside, try:
select Cust_Id, sum(Payment) as TotalPayment, Name
from transactions
group by Cust_Id, Name
order by TotalPayment desc;