I have a Slack App that listens to message
events with the appropriate user and bot scopes (The app has im:read
and im:history
permissions among others, on behalf of the user). The event payload looks like this:
{"client_msg_id": "...",
"type": "message",
"text": "...",
"user": "<sender id>",
"ts": "...",
"team": "...",
"blocks": [...],
"channel": "D012345678 <example direct channel id>",
"event_ts": "...",
"channel_type": "im"}
Is there a way to identify the recipient id of this message?
API and used the channel_id provided by the event payload. It throws a channel_not_found
error. I tried a hardcoded test with an actual private channel that the user of the app is in, and it returned the list of user-ids as expected. So it seems like the issue is related to DM channels.Any help is appreciated.
Additional info:
pip freeze | grep slack
For anyone who is facing the same issue, I asked the SlackBolt devs to pitch in and here's their answer. . In summary, conversation_members
mentioned in the questuon is the correct starting point. But if both your user and bot tokens have im:read
permissions, the priority is to the bot token. Replace it with user token and you should be fine. More elaborate answer is in the discussion link.