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Remote execution of SSH command hangs in ruby using Net::SSH for a particular command

I found a similar question here, but the answer in such a question didn't work for me.

I am trying to connect the remote ssh server via ruby using Net::SSH.

It is working fine for me for all the commands provided via script and I could read the output of the command successfully.

But when I use the below command it is getting stuck in SSH.exec!(cmd) and control is not returned from the line. Only if i click Ctrl+c in command line the script is getting ended.

sudo -S su root -c 'cockroach start --advertise-addr= --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --store=node0015 --listen-addr= --http-addr= --join= --background --max-sql-memory=.25 --cache=.25;'

This is the script I run from a SSH terminal with no issue:

sudo -S su root -c 'pkill cockroach'
sudo -S su root -c '
cd ~;
mv /home/ubuntu/certs /home/ubuntu/certs.back.back;
mkdir /home/ubuntu/certs;
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory;
cockroach cert create-ca --allow-ca-key-reuse --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --ca-key=/home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory/ca.key;
cockroach cert create-node localhost $(hostname) --certs-dir /home/ubuntu/certs --ca-key /home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory/ca.key;
cockroach cert create-client root --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --ca-key=/home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory/ca.key;
sudo -S su root -c 'cockroach start --advertise-addr= --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --store=node0015 --listen-addr= --http-addr= --join= --background --max-sql-memory=.25 --cache=.25;'

This is the Ruby script who attempts to do exactly the same, but it gets stuck:

require 'net/ssh'

ssh = Net::SSH.start('', 'ubuntu', :keys => './plank.pem', :port => 22)

s = "sudo -S su root -c 'pkill cockroach'"
print "#{s}... "
puts ssh.exec!(s)

s = "sudo -S su root -c '
cd ~;
mv /home/ubuntu/certs /home/ubuntu/certs.back.#{rand(1000000)}};
mkdir /home/ubuntu/certs;
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory;
cockroach cert create-ca --allow-ca-key-reuse --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --ca-key=/home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory/ca.key;
cockroach cert create-node localhost $(hostname) --certs-dir /home/ubuntu/certs --ca-key /home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory/ca.key;
cockroach cert create-client root --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --ca-key=/home/ubuntu/my-safe-directory/ca.key;
print "Installing SSL certifications... "
puts "done (#{ssh.exec!(s)})"

s = "sudo -S su root -c 'cockroach start --advertise-addr= --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --store=node0015 --listen-addr= --http-addr= --join= --background --max-sql-memory=.25 --cache=.25;'"
print "Running start command... "
puts "done (#{ssh.exec!(s)})"

# Use this command to verify the node is running:
# ps ax | grep cockroach | grep -v grep
s = "ps ax | grep cockroach | grep -v grep"
print "#{s}... "
puts "done (#{ssh.exec!(s)})"



Here is the put put of the ruby script:

C:\code2\blackstack-deployer\examples>ruby start-crdb-environment.rb
sudo -S su root -c 'pkill cockroach'...
Installing SSL certifications... done ()
Running start command...

As you can see, the command gets stuck in the line Running start command...

I tried putting the command in the background:

s = "sudo -S su root -c 'cockroach start --advertise-addr= --certs-dir=/home/ubuntu/certs --store=node0015 --listen-addr= --http-addr= --join= --background --max-sql-memory=.25 --cache=.25 &'"
print "Running start command... "
puts "done (#{ssh.exec!(s)})"

but what happned is that the cockroach process never starts (the ps ax | grep cockroach | grep -v grep returns nothing)


  • I figured out how to fix it.

    I added > /dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the command, and it worked.

    cockroach start --background --max-sql-memory=.25 --cache=.25 --advertise-addr=%net_remote_ip%:%crdb_database_port% --certs-dir=%crdb_database_certs_path%/certs --store=%name% --listen-addr=%eth0_ip%:%crdb_database_port% --http-addr=%eth0_ip%:%crdb_dashboard_port% --join=%net_remote_ip%:%crdb_database_port% > /dev/null 2>&1;