How can I limit Deno RAM and CPU usage when running js/ts scripts?
deno run
Besides using the container as sugessted in comments:
--max-old-space-size (max size of the old space (in Mbytes))
type: size_t default: --max-old-space-size=0
--max-heap-size (max size of the heap (in Mbytes) both max_semi_space_size and max_old_space_size take precedence. All three flags cannot be specified at the same time.)
type: size_t default: --max-heap-size=0
As suggested by Luke Davis in comments:
deno run --v8-flags='--max-heap-size=50,--max-old-space-size=50' \
// OR
export V8_FLAGS="--max-heap-size=50,--max-old-space-size=50";
deno run --v8-flags="${V8_FLAGS}" ./deno_example.ts