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Getting c.trim error form google oauth2 web client requestAccessToken function

I am using google Oauth2 client script but in that "requestAccessToken" function geving me 2 error. See on bellow image

Here I am loading the '' script dynamically and after it been loaded I am createing a tokenClient by using initTokenClient funciton.

When user click on the button I am checking is token is allready avaiable or not if not then I am sending a request for google auth popup tokenClient.current.requestAccessToken({ prompt: 'consent' }); But this requestAccessToken funciton giveing me a error called c.trim() is not a funciton. As per as I found it's comming form the internal implementation of this funciton

I am also getting another CORS error in the same place.

Reproduce Link:

Error Image

import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import loadScript from 'load-script';


const clientId = '';
const scope = [''];

let scriptLoadingStarted = false;

export default function TryPicker() {
  const tokenClient = useRef();
  const isGoogleAuthReady = () => {
    return !!;

  const doAuth = () => {
    console.log('yea', tokenClient.current, tokenClient.current.requestAccessToken);
    // // Use Google Identity Services to request an access token
    tokenClient.current.requestAccessToken({ prompt: 'consent' });

  const onChoose = () => {
    if (!isGoogleAuthReady()) {
      return null;


    return undefined;

  const onAuthLoad = () => {
    tokenClient.current ={
      client_id: clientId,
      callback: async response => {
        if (response.error !== undefined) {
          throw response;


  useEffect(() => {
    if (isGoogleAuthReady()) {
      // google api is already exists
      // init immediately
    } else if (!scriptLoadingStarted) {
      // load google api and the init
      scriptLoadingStarted = true;
      loadScript(GOOGLE_INDENTITY_URL, onAuthLoad);
    } else {
      // is loading

  return (
      <button className="text-darker" onClick={onChoose} type="button">
        Get access token


  • As mentioned by yash, it's probably cuz you are using array. This is how used it for multiple scopes.

    scope: ' \ \',