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R language: unexpected precision returned from min.mpfr call


> foob <- as.bigz(5:7)
> min(foob)
Big Integer ('bigz') :
[1] 5
> .bigz2mpfr(prev)
1 'mpfr' number of precision  4   bits 
[1] 5
> min(.bigz2mpfr(foob))
1 'mpfr' number of precision  53   bits 
[1] 5
> min(mpfr(5:7,5))
1 'mpfr' number of precision  53   bits 
[1] 5

I know that the 'min' method for mpfr objects somehow dives into the 'min' method for bigz or bigq - class objects but can't figure out how or why the precision gets bumped up to such a larg value. Can anyone detail what's happening behind the curtain?

Addendum: this only seems to happen if I start out with mpfr objects with very small precision. If I start with, say foo <- mpfr(1:5, prec = 60) then I don't see any jump in the precision value.


  • These seem to be the default options, by type, absent setting precBit as you do above:

    debug at /home/chris/r_TMPDIR/RtmpK4UkSw/R.INSTALL422c7408a8298/Rmpfr/R/mpfr.R#656: if (is.logical(x)) 2L else if (is.raw(x)) {
        if (is.object(x)) {
            if (inherits(x, "bigz")) 
            else if (inherits(x, "bigq")) {
                if (missing(bigq.)) {
                    warning("default precision for 'bigq' arbitrarily chosen as ", 
                else as.integer(bigq.)
            else 8L
        else 8L
    } else {
        if (!doNumeric) 
            stop("must specify 'precBits' for numeric 'x' when 'doNumeric' is false")
        if (is.integer(x)) 
        else if (is.double(x)) 
        else if (length(x) == 0) 
        else stop(sprintf("cannot determine 'precBits' for x of type '%s'", 
    Browse[4]> ls()
    [1] "base"      "bigq."     "doNumeric" "is.mpfr"   "x"        
    Browse[4]> s

    Greater or less precision can be requested.

    ?getPrec # get you into otherwise unexported utilities for poking around
    f5 <- getPrec(6:10, base = 10, doNumeric = TRUE, is.mpfr = NA, bigq. = 128L)
    > f5
    [1] 32
    > f6 <- getPrec(6.5:10, base = 10, doNumeric = TRUE, is.mpfr = NA, bigq. = 128L)
    > f6
    [1] 53

    Still head scratching on extracting from result for sets...