I'm having a hard time making a loop to extract more than one calendar to a google sheet. The calendars' IDs are in cell P1, the start date is in P7, and the end date is in P8.
The code works fine for one calendar, but when I try to add the j loop on more calendars, my extraction is empty. Can someone figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.
Here is the code:
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Set filters
var startDate = sheet.getRange('p7').getValue();
var endDate = sheet.getRange('p8').getValue();
var mycal = sheet.getRange('p1').getValue().toString();
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(mycal);
// Create a header record on the current spreadsheet in cells A1:N1 - Match the number of entries in the "header=" to the last parameter
// of the getRange entry below
var header = [["Calendar Address", "Event Title", "Event Description", "Event Location", "Event Start", "Event End", "Calculated Duration", "Visibility", "Date Created", "Last Updated", "MyStatus", "Created By", "All Day Event", "Recurring Event"]]
var range = sheet.getRange(1,1,1,14);
var row=2
for (var j = 0; j< mycal.lengh; j++){
//here we do the things we do once per calander
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(mycal[j]);
var events = cal.getEvents(startDate, endDate);
// Loop through all calendar events found and write them out starting on calulated ROW 2 (i+2)
for (var i=0;i<events.length;i++) {
var row=i+2;
var myformula_placeholder = '';
var details=[[mycal,events[i].getTitle(), events[i].getDescription(), events[i].getLocation(), events[i].getStartTime(), events[i].getEndTime(), myformula_placeholder, ('' + events[i].getVisibility()), events[i]. getDateCreated(), events[i].getLastUpdated(), events[i].getMyStatus(), events[i].getCreators(), events[i].isAllDayEvent(), events[i].isRecurringEvent()]];
var range=sheet.getRange(row,1,1,14);
var cell=sheet.getRange(row,7);
cell.setFormula('=(HOUR(F' +row+ ')+(MINUTE(F' +row+ ')/60))-(HOUR(E' +row+ ')+(MINUTE(E' +row+ ')/60))');
As @Cooper mentioned, lengh
is not an attribute. I made that correction and other changes to the script. Also, I created another sheet where I have a list of calendar ID's, the startDate
and endDate
. See the script below, I added some comments to explain the changes I made. Make sure to change ranges based on where you have your data.
function calendarFunction() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var sheet2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet2"); //Sheet name where you will have the list of calendar ID's, startDate and endDate
sheet.clear() // If you'll be runnning the script several times, the data will be duplicated so I added this line to clear the sheet before adding the data
// other option would be to create a script to check if data already exists before adding it to the sheet
// Set filters
var startDate = sheet2.getRange('B1').getValue(); //Range for startDate
var endDate = sheet2.getRange('B2').getValue(); //Range for endDate
var users = sheet2.getRange('A1:A').getValues(); //Range where you have the calendar ID's
// Create a header record on the current spreadsheet in cells A1:N1 - Match the number of entries in the "header=" to the last parameter
// of the getRange entry below
var header = [["Calendar Address", "Event Title", "Event Description", "Event Location", "Event Start", "Event End", "Calculated Duration", "Visibility", "Date Created", "Last Updated","MyStatus", "Created By", "All Day Event", "Recurring Event"]]
var range = sheet.getRange(1,1,1,14);
for (var j = 0; j< users.length; j++){
//here we do the things we do once per calander
if (users[j] == ""){
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(users[j]);
var events = cal.getEvents(startDate, endDate);
// Loop through all calendar events found and write them out starting on the next empty row
for (var i=0;i<events.length;i++) {
var myformula_placeholder = '';
var details=[
[users[j].toString(),events[i].getTitle(), events[i].getDescription(), events[i].getLocation(), events[i].getStartTime(), events[i].getEndTime(),
myformula_placeholder, ('' + events[i].getVisibility()), events[i].getDateCreated(), events[i].getLastUpdated(), events[i].getMyStatus(),
events[i].getCreators().toString(), events[i].isAllDayEvent(), events[i].isRecurringEvent()]
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow()+1;
var range=sheet.getRange(lastRow,1,1,14);
var cell=sheet.getRange(lastRow,7);
cell.setFormula('=(HOUR(F' +lastRow+ ')+(MINUTE(F' +lastRow+ ')/60))-(HOUR(E' +lastRow+ ')+(MINUTE(E' +lastRow+ ')/60))');