Search code examples

Joining a QUERY function with OR

I currently have a QUERY function which is set up based on a start date cell and an end date cell, formula as below:

=QUERY(Haulage!$A$3:$L$29," Select * Where A >= date """&text('2022 Stats'!S1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&""" AND A <= date """&text('2022 Stats'!T1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"""")

This is working fine but I would like to adapt it so I can also narrow the query down further with the use of a dropdown. I have the following IF formula for this:

=IF('2022 Stats'!V1="All TOCs",""," AND LOWER(K) = LOWER('"&'2022 Stats'!V1&"') " )

This seems to yield the correct results but I am struggling to get the two to work together......

Link to sheet:


  • Try:

     "where A >= date '"&TEXT('2022 Stats'!S1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"' 
        and A <= date '"&TEXT('2022 Stats'!T1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'"&
     IF('2022 Stats'!V1="All TOCs",,"
        and lower(K) = '"&LOWER('2022 Stats'!V1)&"'"))