C# has String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(String)
, do we have a IsNothingOrWhiteSpace(String)
A slightly more elegant way than the other answer would be to fully use the multiple dispatch:
isNullOrWS(::Type{Nothing}) = true
isNullOrWS(::Nothing) = true
isNullOrWS(verify::AbstractString) = isempty(strip(verify))
isNullOrWS(::Any) = false
This actually results also in a faster assembly code.
julia> dat = fill(Nothing, 100);
julia> @btime isNullOrWS.($dat);
174.409 ns (2 allocations: 112 bytes)
julia> @btime IsNullOrWhiteSpace.($dat);
488.205 ns (2 allocations: 112 bytes)