I have data with population numbers, births and deaths by year and country, disaggregated by gender and age. I would like to compute the net migration rate for each year-country-gender-age combo. Here is what the data looks like:
The formula to compute the net migration rate (following the naming convention of the data) would be: 2001_netmigration = 2001_pop - 2000_deaths + 2000_births - 2000_pop . I want to perform this for all years from 2001 to 2020., i.e. over all columns.
I tried the following code:
n <- 2001
while(n <= 2020){
aux <- aux %>%
mutate(., paste0(n,"_netmigr") = paste0(n,"_pop") - paste0((n-1),"_deaths") +
paste0((n-1),"_births") - paste0((n-1),"_pop"), .after = paste0(n,"_pop"))
When I manually run the code inside the while loop using actual names instead of the paste0 commands, it works exactly as I want it to. Is there a way to iteratively specify/identify names that I am not seeing?
Thankful for any insights!
Here's some sample data:
tb <- expand_grid(country = letters[1:5], sex = c("male", "female"))
for (yr in 2000:2020) tb[[paste0(yr, "_pop")]] <- sample(1e6, nrow(tb))
for (yr in 2000:2020) tb[[paste0(yr, "_births")]] <- sample(1e6, nrow(tb))
for (yr in 2000:2020) tb[[paste0(yr, "_deaths")]] <- sample(1e6, nrow(tb))
# A tibble: 10 × 65
country sex `2000_pop` `2001_pop` `2002_pop` `2003_pop` `2004_pop`
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 a male 494854 125496 441605 850152 564524
2 a female 15675 700400 884402 722577 488377
3 b male 863598 430942 178898 962331 762543
Let's reshape:
tb <- tb |>
pivot_longer(starts_with("20"), names_to = c("year", "var"),
names_sep = "_") |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "var")
# A tibble: 210 × 6
country sex year pop births deaths
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int>
1 a male 2000 494854 692068 890029
2 a male 2001 125496 420085 334800
3 a male 2002 441605 341633 816369
4 a male 2003 850152 310789 766912
Now your data is tidy, and no for loop or column name munging is required:
tb$net_migr <- tb$pop - tb$deaths + tb$births
# or
tb <- tb |> mutate(net_migr = pop - deaths + births)
If you want to, you can now return tb
to wide format. (But why would you want to?)