My question is the opposite of: Can't find Git local changes in Intellij Idea 2020.1 and: The "Local Changes" tab does not show up in the IntelliJ IDEA Git tool window, which are about restoring old behavior for the commit window and local changes.
Intellij 2020+ added a commit tab on the upper left of the IDE. I don't know what I did to make it disappear, but how can I get it back?
Two settings control the commit tab: one for its interface and one for its window. You may need to perform either or both steps depending on the state of your intellij.
Use non-modal commit interface
Enable Commit tool window
) | Version Control | Commit, then enable Use non-modal commit interface
For quick access to almost anything in intellij (settings, code, VCS, etc), press Shift
twice to open the search anywhere window. Copy/paste above text to get directly to both settings. [credit @Marcelo]