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InterSystems ODBC error crashes Powershell

I'm trying to take some data through InterSystems ODBC driver with Powershell, but there is an error from the query execution (01004 "String data, right-truncated"). I want to ignore that (or handle this error in PS) and keep the script moving on. Here is the part of my code:

$c = new-object
$c.connectionstring = "..."

$cmd = New-object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand( $sql , $c )
$dst = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$oda = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter( $cmd )
$oda.Fill( $dst )

This works, i.e., doesn't crash and take the data, when I'm running the script with -NoExit parameter, i.e.:

Powershell -NoExit Y:\test.ps1

Otherways, the Powershell crashes, and the console closes. I need to run this script from another script and eventually receive the result. In the end, I want to close the console window (now I invoke it by exit).

I tried the try-catch block, throws, Invoke-Expression in a few ways, functions with return, etc., as far. I searched for a solution to handle such a type of error, but no result.


  • I have found the solution (or maybe the workaround). It is better to use ADODB objects instead of System.Data.Odbc. The most straightforward code looks as follows:

    $connection = New-Object -ComObject ADODB.Connection
    $command    = New-Object -ComObject ADODB.Command
    $recordset  = New-Object -ComObject ADODB.Recordset
    $connection.CursorLocation = 3
    $connection.ConnectionString = $c_s
    $command.ActiveConnection = $connection
    $command.CommandText = $sql
    $command.CommandType = 1
    $recordset.ActiveConnection = $connection
    $recordset.Open( $command )