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Nodal/Label assignment according to the load at a terminal in pandas data frame python

Input data frame with requirement for boarding in a transport allocation setting.

import pandas as pd

data1 = {
        'N_Id': [0,1,2,2,2,2,4,5,5,5,10,10,11,11,13,13,13,13],
        'N_Name': ['Destiny','N_Area','Pstation','Pstation','Pstation','Pstation','A_Area','T_depot','T_depot','T_depot','B_colony','B_colony','c_colony','c_colony','Z_colony','Z_colony','Z_colony','Z_colony'],
        'Geocode': ['9.994798,0.206728','2.994798,0.206728','2.989385,0.201941','2.989385,0.201941','2.989385,0.201941','2.989385,0.201941','3.006515,0.247101','3.000568,0.256468','3.000568,0.256468','3.000568,0.256468','3.049031,0.167278','3.049031,0.167278','4.049031,0.167278','4.049031,0.167278','5.2,0.7','5.2,0.7','5.2,0.7','5.2,0.7'],
        'pcode': ['None','M023','L123','M0232','L1234','K0324','M0137','M01368','M01369','K07249','M01375','F04509','F04609','F04610','F1','F2','F3','F4']
df1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data1)


    N_Id    N_Name            Geocode   pcode
0      0   Destiny  9.994798,0.206728    None
1      1    N_Area  2.994798,0.206728    M023
2      2  Pstation  2.989385,0.201941    L123
3      2  Pstation  2.989385,0.201941   M0232
4      2  Pstation  2.989385,0.201941   L1234
5      2  Pstation  2.989385,0.201941   K0324
6      4    A_Area  3.006515,0.247101   M0137
7      5   T_depot  3.000568,0.256468  M01368
8      5   T_depot  3.000568,0.256468  M01369
9      5   T_depot  3.000568,0.256468  K07249
10    10  B_colony  3.049031,0.167278  M01375
11    10  B_colony  3.049031,0.167278  F04509
12    11  c_colony  4.049031,0.167278  F04609
13    11  c_colony  4.049031,0.167278  F04610
14    13  Z_colony            5.2,0.7      F1
15    13  Z_colony            5.2,0.7      F2
16    13  Z_colony            5.2,0.7      F3
17    13  Z_colony            5.2,0.7      F4

second data frame with a route plan/to load according to the Terminal/Nodal load.

data2= {
            'BusID': ['V1','V1','V1','V4','V4','V4','V5','V5','V5','V0','v100'],
            'Tcap': [4,4,4,8,8,8,12,12,12,12,8],
            'N_Id': [1,2,5,2,5,10,11,4,10,0,13],
            'N_Name': ['N_Area','Pstation','T_depot','Pstation','T_depot','B_colony','c_colony','A_Area','B_colony','Destiny','Z_colony'],
df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data2)

output of the second data frame.

   BusID  Tcap  Terminal_Load  N_Id    N_Name
0     V1     4              1     1    N_Area
1     V1     4              2     2  Pstation
2     V1     4              1     5   T_depot
3     V4     8              2     2  Pstation
4     V4     8              1     5   T_depot
5     V4     8              1    10  B_colony
6     V5    12              2    11  c_colony
7     V5    12              1     4    A_Area
8     V5    12              1    10  B_colony
9     V0    12              0     0   Destiny
10  v100     8              4    13  Z_colony

required Dataframe format..

data3 = {
            'BusID': ['V1','V1','V1','V4','V4','V4','V5','V5','V5','V0','v100'],
            'Tcap': [4,4,4,8,8,8,12,12,12,12,8],
            'N_Id': [1,2,5,2,5,10,11,4,10,0,13],
            'N_Name': ['N_Area','Pstation','T_depot','Pstation','T_depot','B_colony','c_colony','A_Area','B_colony','Destiny','Z_colony'],
            'Pcode': ['M023','L123,M0232','M01368','L1234,K0324','M01369','M01375','F04609,F04610','M0137','F04509','','F1,F2,F3,F4'],

df3 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data3)

required output...

   BusID  Tcap  Terminal_Load  N_Id    N_Name          Pcode
0     V1     4              1     1    N_Area           M023
1     V1     4              2     2  Pstation     L123,M0232
2     V1     4              1     5   T_depot         M01368
3     V4     8              2     2  Pstation    L1234,K0324
4     V4     8              1     5   T_depot         M01369
5     V4     8              1    10  B_colony         M01375
6     V5    12              2    11  c_colony  F04609,F04610
7     V5    12              1     4    A_Area          M0137
8     V5    12              1    10  B_colony         F04509
9     V0    12              0     0   Destiny               
10  v100     8              4    13  Z_colony    F1,F2,F3,F4

The required Dataframe is the combination of both the first to dataframe, I need to assign the PCode based on the requirement Terminal Load. The load at a terminal is on the Terminal_Load value, for example at nodal ID 1 the load is 1 so 1 person is listed in the pcode, 2nd row terminal load is 2 and the nodal ID is 2 hence two person are loaded at Pcode. Terminal load 0 at the 0 node. requesting a pandas dataframe solution or any Non Pandas implementation just guessing any labelled pop up methods..or any algorithm to capacity and allocate.. and after allocating remove the label from the queue.


  • First aggregate list like previous solution and add new column to df2 with aggregate lists:

    s = (df1.groupby(['N_Id','N_Name'])['pcode']
    df = df2.join(s, on=['N_Id','N_Name'])

    Then need split lists per groups (same per groups, so selected first list by iat[0]) by Terminal_Load values like linked solution - only is necessary cumulative sum and starting by 0:

    def f(x):
        indices = [0] + x['Terminal_Load'].cumsum().tolist()
        s = x['Pcode'].iat[0]
        x['Pcode'] = [','.join(s[indices[i]:indices[i+1]]) for i in range(len(indices)-1)]
        return x
    df = df.groupby(['N_Id','N_Name']).apply(f)
    print (df)
       BusID  Tcap  Terminal_Load  N_Id    N_Name          Pcode
    0     V1     4              1     1    N_Area           M023
    1     V1     4              2     2  Pstation     L123,M0232
    2     V1     4              1     5   T_depot         M01368
    3     V4     8              2     2  Pstation    L1234,K0324
    4     V4     8              1     5   T_depot         M01369
    5     V4     8              1    10  B_colony         M01375
    6     V5    12              2    11  c_colony  F04609,F04610
    7     V5    12              1     4    A_Area          M0137
    8     V5    12              1    10  B_colony         F04509
    9     V0    12              0     0   Destiny               
    10  v100     8              4    13  Z_colony    F1,F2,F3,F4