Should IoT Hub Service SDK's RegistryManager (and ServiceClient) be used as a singleton (HttpClient pattern) or is using var registryManager = ...
Looking at RegistryManager's source code it creates its own non-static instance of HttpClientHelper which creates its own non-static instance of HttpClient
which looks like an anti-pattern. This suggests one instance of the RegistryManager is preferred and a look at its code makes me think multiple users should be OK.
However I was not able to fine a piece of documentation that says that one instance of RegistryManager
is supposed to be used as a singleton for the whole application.
This is now documented
/// This client creates lifetime long instances of <see cref="HttpClient"/> that are tied to the URI of the
/// IoT hub specified, configure any proxy settings, and connection lease timeout.
/// For that reason, the instances are not static and an application using this client
/// should create and save it for all use. Repeated creation may cause
/// <see href="">socket exhaustion</see>.