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SQL Subselect with MAX in where clause convert to Informix

I have following query in MSSQL :

    ,MAX(DATUM) as Datum
    ,(select MAX(Zeit) from kaufedit where auftrnr=c1.auftrnr and datum=max(c1.datum)) as Zeit
from kaufedit c1
group by c1.auftrnr
order by c1.auftrnr

This selects for every order the maximum day , and for that maximum day the maximum time . In order to check if something changed. This works really good and fast.

I am trying to convert this into Informix , but till now I was unable to make it work .


12.10.FC14WE is the version datum is date(10) zeit is char(5) both cannot be changed :(

I have tried following :

select extend(datum, year to second)+(zeit - DATETIME(00:00) hour to minute) as datumzeit from kaufedit


  • It would be best, IMO, if you combined the Datum and Zeit columns into a single DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value. You would simply need the maximum of the combined column for each order.

    However, assuming that's not an option and that you do have a sufficiently recent version of Informix, then you can use a CTE — common table expression — like this:

    WITH t1 AS
        (SELECT auftrnr, MAX(datum) AS datum
           FROM kaufedit
          GROUP BY auftrnr
    SELECT c1.auftrnr,
           MAX(c1.zeit) AS zeit
      FROM kaufedit AS c1
      JOIN t1 ON t1.auftrnr = c1.auftrnr AND t1.datum = c1.datum
     GROUP BY c1.auftrnr, c1.datum
     ORDER BY c1.auftrnr, c1.datum;

    The CTE derives the order number and maximum date for the order. The main query then joins that result with the main table, yielding the desired output.

    Schema and Data The data format assumes that you set DBDATE='Y4MD-' or equivalent in the environment. Alternatively, change the DATE type to DATETIME YEAR TO DAY.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kaufedit;
    CREATE TABLE kaufedit
        auftrnr     INTEGER NOT NULL,
        datum       DATE NOT NULL,
        information VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(123, '2022-01-01', '01:23:45', 'Entered at 2022-01-01T01:23:45');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(123, '2022-01-01', '10:22:44', 'Entered at 2022-01-01T10:22:44');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(123, '2022-01-01', '11:32:54', 'Entered at 2022-01-01T11:32:54');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(123, '2022-01-01', '21:17:05', 'Entered at 2022-01-01T21:17:05');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(321, '2022-01-02', '01:23:45', 'Entered at 2022-01-02T01:23:45');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(321, '2022-01-02', '17:22:44', 'Entered at 2022-01-02T17:22:44');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(321, '2022-01-03', '11:32:54', 'Entered at 2022-01-03T11:32:54');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(321, '2022-01-03', '11:57:05', 'Entered at 2022-01-03T11:57:05');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(444, '2022-02-02', '01:23:45', 'Entered at 2022-02-02T01:23:45');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(444, '2022-03-02', '10:22:44', 'Entered at 2022-03-02T10:22:44');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(444, '2022-04-03', '11:32:54', 'Entered at 2022-04-03T11:32:54');
    INSERT INTO kaufedit(auftrnr, datum, zeit, information)
        VALUES(444, '2022-05-03', '21:57:05', 'Entered at 2022-05-03T21:57:05');


    123  2022-01-01  21:17:05
    321  2022-01-03  11:57:05
    444  2022-05-03  21:57:05

    (Tested on Linux RHEL 7.4 with Informix 14.10.FC1.)


    If you want the extra information in the kaufedit table, then you might use a query such as:

    WITH t1 AS
        (SELECT auftrnr, MAX(datum) AS datum
           FROM kaufedit
          GROUP BY auftrnr
         t2 AS
        (SELECT c1.auftrnr, c1.datum, MAX(c1.zeit) AS zeit
           FROM kaufedit AS c1
           JOIN t1 ON t1.auftrnr = c1.auftrnr AND t1.datum = c1.datum
          GROUP BY c1.auftrnr, c1.datum
    SELECT c1.auftrnr, c1.datum, c1.zeit, c1.information
      FROM kaufedit AS c1
      JOIN t2
        ON c1.auftrnr = t2.auftrnr
       AND c1.datum = t2.datum
       AND c1.zeit = t2.zeit
     ORDER BY c1.auftrnr, c1.datum;


    123  2022-01-01  21:17:05  Entered at 2022-01-01T21:17:05
    321  2022-01-03  11:57:05  Entered at 2022-01-03T11:57:05
    444  2022-05-03  21:57:05  Entered at 2022-05-03T21:57:05