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Loading a SQL script from within another SQL script in H2 database

Is it possible to include sql files within another sql file in H2 database.

I have 5 sql files

1) create-tables.sql
2) insert-data.sql
   1) data-1.sql
   2) data-2.sql
   3) data-3.sql

In this example i want to include data-1.sql, data-2.sql, data-3.sql within insert-data.sql

testProperty.connection.driverClass=org.h2.Driver testProperty.connection.url=jdbc:h2:file:./target/db/testdb;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;INIT=runscript from 'src/test/resources/sql/create-tables.sql'\;runscript from 'src/test/resources/sql/insert-data.sql' testProperty.connection.username=sa testProperty.connection.password=

I have tried the following commands in insert-data.sql, but not working

\source data-1.sql
\include data-1.sql


  • There are no directives is SQL scripts for H2. But you can run the same RUNSCRIPT command from a script launched with this command:


    RUNSCRIPT FROM 'src/test/resources/sql/data-1.sql';
    -- commands


    -- commands

    Please note that relative paths will be treated as relative to the current working directory of the process and not as relative to the script with this command.