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typeorm find row by array of ids of another table but all values in this array must be present in one relation

I'm working on a chatting app.

I have table messages_thread:

export class MessagesThreadEntity {

        type: 'bigint',
        name: 'id',
    id: number;

    @OneToMany(type => MessagesThreadUsersEntity, a=> a.thread)
    users!: MessagesThreadUsersEntity[];

    constructor(init?: Partial<MessagesThreadEntity>) {
        Object.assign(this, init);

And table messages_thread_users

export class MessagesThreadUsersEntity {

        type: 'bigint',
        name: 'id',
    id: number;

    @Column("bigint", {
        nullable: false,
        name: 'user_id',
    user_id: number;

    @Column("bigint", {
        nullable: false,
        name: 'thread_id',
    thread_id: number;

    @ManyToOne(type => MessagesThreadEntity, a => a.users)
        name: 'thread_id',
        referencedColumnName: 'id'
    thread!: MessagesThreadEntity;

    constructor(init?: Partial<MessagesThreadUsersEntity>) {
        Object.assign(this, init);

I'm trying to use createQueryBuilder to do a complicated query where I need to get the thread that has users matched to the 'user_ids' array. But there is a catch, this thread should have all these users I'm looking for, no more or fewer users.

example: I'm looking for the thread that has user_ids = [1,2,5], and I have these threads:

  • thread A has users [1,2,3,4,5,6]
  • thread B has users [2,5]
  • thread C has users [1,2,5]

In this case, I want thread C to be returned from the database.

NOT thread A since it has more users than [1,2,5]

NOT thread B since it does not have all the users that I want.

I need the thread that has exactly the array I'm looking for, which is thread C.

What I did so far:

  let threadUsers = await this.messagesThreadUsersRepo.createQueryBuilder() 
 .where('affiliate_id IN (:...allUserIds)', { allUserIds }) 

NOTE: I am using NestJs, and the database is MySQL



    To get the wanted result, you have to use the HAVING clause because we should specify a condition for filtering values using a function in MySQL used to concatenate data from multiple rows into one field (GROUP_CONCAT).

     const ids= allUserIds.sort((a, b) => b - a).toString();
     return await this.messagesThreadUsersRepo.createQueryBuilder() 
        .select(["GROUP_CONCAT(user_id ORDER BY user_id DESC) as ids ","o.*"]) 
                 // GROUP_CONCAT(user_id) here to get all the user ids by thread 
        .having(`ids = '${ids}'`)
               // here we check if thread has the exact ids we want 


      SELECT o.*,GROUP_CONCAT(p.ProductID) as childs FROM OrderDetails as o 
      join Products as p on o.ProductID = p.ProductID GROUP BY o.OrderID
       HAVING childs = '11';