I'm trying to find if a PR is closed, abandoned, or active, merging, or with conflicts. I'm trying GetPullRequestStatusesAsync, but I don't get anything back. The test ids cover various states, but the Statuses Result is simply empty.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SourceControl.WebApi;
var collection = "https://myurl";
var project = "pro";
var repo = "repo";
var codepat = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("code_pat");
if (codepat.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new Exception($"code_pat must be set in the environment."); }
var creds = new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, codepat);
var conn = new VssConnection(new Uri(collection), creds);
using var gitClient = conn.GetClient<GitHttpClient>();
var srcRepo = gitClient.GetRepositoryAsync(project, repo).Result;
int[] prids = { 2345, 3254, 7645, 1357 };
foreach(var id in prids)
Console.WriteLine($"id: {id}");
var result = gitClient.GetPullRequestStatusesAsync(srcRepo.Id, id).Result;
foreach (var r in result)
Console.WriteLine($"- {r.Id}: {r.State}, {r.Description}");
I got what I needed with GetPullRequestByIdAsync (but it would be nice to know what GetPullRequestStatusesAsync should return).
var pr = gitClient.GetPullRequestByIdAsync(id).Result;
Console.WriteLine($"- {pr.Status}, {pr.MergeStatus}");
Active, Conflicts
Active, Succeeded
Completed, Succeeded
Abandoned, NotSet