Say I have a query which returns the following result:
| val | type | i |
| 59 | 1 | 1 |
| 40 | 2 | 2 |
| 12 | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | 2 | 4 |
| 24 | 1 | 5 |
| 30 | 1 | 6 |
| 98 | 2 | 7 |
| 45 | 2 | 8 |
| 46 | 1 | 9 |
val = an arbitrary number
type = 1 or 2
i = auto increment column, just for reference
I want to perform the following subtraction:
A - B
A: Value of row of type '2'
B: Value of row above A of type '1' if it exists, but without crossing a row of type '2'
I really hope that made sense..
Some examples:
Row i=2 is of type 2. So the first row above it of type 1 is i=1.
So the subtraction will be: 40 - 59 = -19
Row i=7 is of type 2. So the first row above it of type 1 is i=6
So the subtraction will be: 98 - 30 = 68
Row i=8 is of type 2. But if we go above we cross a value of type 2.
So the subtraction should return 0, or be ignored, whichever is simplest.
In the end the result should return a column of values where type=1 and the subtracted value .
| val | diff |
| 59 | -19 |
| 12 | -9 |
| 24 | 0 | ***
| 30 | 68 |
| 46 | 0 | ***
*** Return diff=0 if the subtraction was never made for this row.
I have the query for getting my initial table. I know how to do the subtraction (in the real case val is a date, but I'm keeping it simple for this example).
The only thing I have no idea how to do is perform logic based on different rows in MySQL. For example how can I find the nearest row based on some condition and then reference that row to perform some operation on it? Is there perhaps a way to reference the current 'i' and do an subrtaction on (row at i) minus (row at i-1) or something similar.
I've spent many hours on this already and I'm just about to give up and do it in php instead and take the performance hit. As a last resort I'm asking here if there's a way to do all this in mysql directly?
I don't need a full solution as this is pretty complex requirement but I will take any sort of advice or pointers you can give me. I'm not the best at MySQL so maybe I'm missing something simple.
SELECT t1.val AS val, IFNULL( t2.val, t1.val ) - t1.val AS diff FROM my_table AS t1
LEFT JOIN my_table AS t2 ON( t2.type = 2 AND t2.i = t1.i + 1 )
WHERE t1.type = 1 ORDER BY t1.i;
Tested on your data, result:
| val | diff |
| 59 | -19 |
| 12 | -9 |
| 24 | 0 |
| 30 | 68 |
| 46 | 0 |