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How to Produce a Nested ifelse() Statement To Evaluate Predictions For Three Categorical Binary Levels For a Confusion Matrix in R


I have summary output results from a predicting model called pred_model_Tree1 (three columns; 6 obs; 3 variables), which was produced from a classifier that I built using the gbm method using the Caret and gbm packages. The pred_model_Tree1 was produced by predicting the results from my classifying model called gbmFit1 with the ($Country) (see the R code below).

I want to write a nested ifelse() model to evaluate the predictions and I want to use the evaluation results to obtain summary statistics from the function confusionMatrix() in the e1701 pacakge.

My data has nine continuous independent variables, and one dependent variable called 'Country'. This question is also related to a previous question that I asked here. I had previously experienced an error message as can be viewed by following the link in my previous question. This was the output error from the confusion matrix.

Error: `data` and `reference` should be factors with the same levels.

Therefore, I need to evaluate each prediction in the model Such that...

#i.e. if the predicted likelihood that the country is France is '0.9'and the likelihood #it's Holland is '0.1', then the prediction is "France"

# Evaluate each prediction, i.e. if the predicted likelihood that the country is France is '0.9'
# and the likelihood it's Holland is '0.1', then the prediction is "France"
pred_model_Tree1$evaluation <- ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$France >= 0.5, "France", "Holland")

# Now you can print the confusionMatrix (make sure each factor has the same levels)
confusionMatrix(factor(pred_model_Tree1$evaluation, levels = unique($Country)),
                factor($Country, levels = unique($Country)))

However, I have three categorical binary levels for my dependent variable in the prediction data 'France', 'Italy' and 'Spain'. Therefore, I assume that I'd need to write a nested ifelse() statement for a three binary evaluation.

How do I apply this logic to evaluate the predictions which can further be used in a confusion matrix to output summary statistics for the accuracy of the classifier model? Would I also need to use a value >= greater than or equal to 0.33 as there are three levels? I have attempted to use a nested ifelse function as follows:

 pred_model_Tree1$evaluation <- ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$France >= 0.5, "France", "Holland",
                                   ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$France >= 0.5, "France", "Spain",
                                   ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$Spain >= 0.5,"Spain", "Holland")))

#The output results only show two countries, not three
1] "France"  "France"  "Holland" "Holland" "Holland" "France" 

Desired Results: The pred_model_Tree1$evaluation output should contain three countries repeated three times after the predictions have been evaluated so the levels and structure of the pred_model_Tree1$evaluation are the same as the predicted output for the pred_model_Tree1 model.

1] "France"  "France"  "Holland" "Holland" "Holland" "France" "Spain" "Spain "Spain"

As always, I feel much appreciation for a helping hand.


#install packages


#Produce a new version of the data frame 'Clusters_Dummy' with the rows shuffled

#Produce a dataframe

#Split the training and testing data 70:30
training.parameters <- Cluster_Dummy_2$Country %>% 
createDataPartition(p = 0.7, list = FALSE) <- NewClusters[training.parameters, ] <- NewClusters[-training.parameters, ]

#259  10

#108  10

#Auxiliary function for controlling model fitting
#10 fold cross validation; 10 times
fitControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
                          method = "repeatedcv",
                          number = 10,
                          ## repeated ten times
                          repeats = 10,
                          classProbs = TRUE)
#Fit the model
gbmFit1 <- train(Country ~ .,, 
                 method = "gbm", 
                 trControl = fitControl,
                 ## This last option is actually one
                 ## for gbm() that passes through
                 verbose = FALSE)

#Predict the model with the test data
pred_model_Tree1 = predict(gbmFit1, newdata = head($Country), type = "prob")


#Attempt at a nested ifelse() statement

# Evaluate each prediction, i.e. if the predicted likelihood that the country is France is '0.9'
# and the likelihood it's Holland is '0.1', then the prediction is "France"
#>= greater than or equal to
pred_model_Tree1$evaluation <- ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$France >= 0.5, "France", "Holland",
                               ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$France >= 0.5, "France", "Spain",
                               ifelse(pred_model_Tree1$Spain >= 0.5,"Spain", "Holland")))


#The problem is here. The output should contain three countries repeated three times so the levels and structure of the prediction evaluation are the same as the predicted output.

1] "France"  "France"  "Holland" "Holland" "Holland" "France" 

# Now you can print the confusionMatrix (make sure each factor has the same levels)
confusionMatrix(factor(pred_model_Tree1$evaluation, levels = unique($Country)),
                factor($Country, levels = unique($Country)))


structure(list(Low.Freq = c(435L, 94103292L, 1L, 2688L, 8471L, 
28818L, 654755585L, 468628164L, 342491L, 2288474L, 3915L, 411L, 
267864894L, 3312618L, 5383L, 8989443L, 1894L, 534981L, 9544861L, 
3437614L, 475386L, 7550764L, 48744L, 2317845L, 5126197L, 2445L, 
8L, 557450L, 450259742L, 21006647L, 9L, 7234027L, 59L, 9L, 605L, 
9199L, 3022L, 30218156L, 46423L, 38L, 88L, 396396244L, 28934316L, 
7723L, 95688045L, 679354L, 716352L, 76289L, 332826763L, 6L, 90975L, 
83103577L, 9529L, 229093L, 42810L, 5L, 18175302L, 1443751L, 5831L, 
8303661L, 86L, 778L, 23947L, 8L, 9829740L, 2075838L, 7434328L, 
82174987L, 2L, 94037071L, 9638653L, 5L, 3L, 65972L, 0L, 936779338L, 
4885076L, 745L, 8L, 56456L, 125140L, 73043989L, 516476L, 7L, 
4440739L, 612L, 3966L, 8L, 9255L, 84127L, 96218L, 5690L, 56L, 
3561L, 78738L, 1803363L, 809369L, 7131L, 0L), High.Freq = c(6071L, 
3210L, 6L, 7306092L, 6919054L, 666399L, 78L, 523880161L, 4700783L, 
4173830L, 30L, 811L, 341014L, 780L, 44749L, 91L, 201620707L, 
74L, 1L, 65422L, 595L, 89093186L, 946520L, 6940919L, 655350L, 
4L, 6L, 618L, 2006697L, 889L, 1398L, 28769L, 90519642L, 984L, 
0L, 296209525L, 487088392L, 5L, 894L, 529L, 5L, 99106L, 2L, 926017L, 
9078L, 1L, 21L, 88601017L, 575770L, 48L, 8431L, 194L, 62324996L, 
5L, 81L, 40634727L, 806901520L, 6818173L, 3501L, 91780L, 36106039L, 
5834347L, 58388837L, 34L, 3280L, 6507606L, 19L, 402L, 584L, 76L, 
4078684L, 199L, 6881L, 92251L, 81715L, 40L, 327L, 57764L, 97668898L, 
2676483L, 76L, 4694L, 817120L, 51L, 116712L, 666L, 3L, 42841L, 
9724L, 21L, 4L, 359L, 2604L, 22L, 30490L, 5640L, 34L, 51923625L, 
35544L), Peak.Freq = c(87005561L, 9102L, 994839015L, 42745869L, 
32840L, 62737133L, 2722L, 24L, 67404881L, 999242982L, 3048L, 
85315406L, 703037627L, 331264L, 8403609L, 3934064L, 50578953L, 
370110665L, 3414L, 12657L, 40L, 432L, 7707L, 214L, 68588962L, 
69467L, 75L, 500297L, 704L, 1L, 102659072L, 60896923L, 4481230L, 
94124925L, 60164619L, 447L, 580L, 8L, 172L, 9478521L, 20L, 53L, 
3072127L, 2160L, 27301893L, 8L, 4263L, 508L, 712409L, 50677L, 
522433683L, 112844L, 193385L, 458269L, 93578705L, 22093131L, 
6L, 9L, 1690461L, 0L, 4L, 652847L, 44767L, 21408L, 5384L, 304L, 
721L, 651147L, 2426L, 586L, 498289375L, 945L, 6L, 816L, 46207L, 
39135L, 6621028L, 66905L, 26905085L, 4098L, 0L, 14L, 88L, 530L, 
97809006L, 90L, 6L, 260792844L, 9L, 833205723L, 99467321L, 5L, 
8455640L, 54090L, 2L, 309L, 299161148L, 4952L, 454824L), Delta.Freq = c(5L, 
78L, 88553L, 794L, 5L, 3859122L, 782L, 36L, 8756801L, 243169338L, 
817789L, 8792384L, 7431L, 626921743L, 9206L, 95789L, 7916L, 8143453L, 
6L, 4L, 6363L, 181125L, 259618L, 6751L, 33L, 37960L, 0L, 2L, 
599582228L, 565585L, 19L, 48L, 269450424L, 70676581L, 7830566L, 
4L, 86484313L, 21L, 90899794L, 2L, 72356L, 574280L, 869544L, 
73418L, 6468164L, 2259L, 5938505L, 31329L, 1249L, 354L, 8817L, 
3L, 2568L, 82809L, 29836269L, 5230L, 37L, 33752014L, 79307L, 
1736L, 8522076L, 40L, 2289135L, 862L, 801448L, 8026L, 5L, 15L, 
4393771L, 405914L, 71098L, 950288L, 8319L, 1396973L, 832L, 70L, 
1746L, 61907L, 8709547L, 300750537L, 45862L, 91417085L, 79892L, 
47765L, 5477L, 18L, 4186L, 2860L, 754038591L, 375L, 53809223L, 
72L, 136L, 509L, 232325L, 13128104L, 1692L, 8581L, 23L), Delta.Time = c(1361082L, 
7926L, 499L, 5004L, 3494530L, 213L, 64551179L, 70L, 797L, 5L, 
72588L, 86976L, 5163L, 635080L, 3L, 91L, 919806257L, 81443L, 
3135427L, 4410972L, 5810L, 8L, 46603718L, 422L, 1083626L, 48L, 
15699890L, 7L, 90167635L, 446459879L, 2332071L, 761660L, 49218442L, 
381L, 46L, 493197L, 46L, 798597155L, 45342274L, 6265842L, 6L, 
3445819L, 351L, 1761227L, 214L, 959L, 908996387L, 6L, 3855L, 
9096604L, 152664L, 7970052L, 32366926L, 31L, 5201618L, 114L, 
7806411L, 70L, 239L, 5065L, 2L, 1L, 14472831L, 122042249L, 8L, 
495604L, 29L, 8965478L, 2875L, 959L, 39L, 9L, 690L, 933626665L, 
85294L, 580093L, 95934L, 982058L, 65244056L, 137508L, 29L, 7621L, 
7527L, 72L, 2L, 315L, 6L, 2413L, 8625150L, 51298109L, 851L, 890460L, 
160736L, 6L, 850842734L, 2L, 7L, 76969113L, 190536L), Peak.Time = c(1465265L, 
452894L, 545076172L, 8226275L, 5040875L, 700530L, 1L, 3639L, 
20141L, 71712131L, 686L, 923L, 770569738L, 69961L, 737458636L, 
122403L, 199502046L, 6108L, 907L, 108078263L, 7817L, 4L, 6L, 
69L, 721L, 786353L, 87486L, 1563L, 876L, 47599535L, 79295722L, 
53L, 7378L, 591L, 6607935L, 954L, 6295L, 75514344L, 5742050L, 
25647276L, 449L, 328566184L, 4L, 2L, 2703L, 21367543L, 63429043L, 
708L, 782L, 909820L, 478L, 50L, 922L, 579882L, 7850L, 534L, 2157492L, 
96L, 6L, 716L, 5L, 653290336L, 447854237L, 2L, 31972263L, 645L, 
7L, 609909L, 4054695L, 455631L, 4919894L, 9L, 72713L, 9997L, 
84090765L, 89742L, 5L, 5028L, 4126L, 23091L, 81L, 239635020L, 
3576L, 898597785L, 6822L, 3798L, 201999L, 19624L, 20432923L, 
18944093L, 930720236L, 1492302L, 300122L, 143633L, 5152743L, 
417344L, 813L, 55792L, 78L), Center_Freq = c(61907L, 8709547L, 
300750537L, 45862L, 91417085L, 79892L, 47765L, 5477L, 18L, 4186L, 
2860L, 754038591L, 375L, 53809223L, 72L, 136L, 4700783L, 4173830L, 
30L, 811L, 341014L, 780L, 44749L, 91L, 201620707L, 74L, 1L, 65422L, 
595L, 89093186L, 946520L, 6940919L, 48744L, 2317845L, 5126197L, 
2445L, 8L, 557450L, 450259742L, 21006647L, 9L, 7234027L, 59L, 
9L, 651547554L, 45554L, 38493L, 91055218L, 38L, 1116474L, 2295482L, 
3001L, 9L, 3270L, 141L, 53644L, 667983L, 565598L, 84L, 971L, 
555498297L, 60431L, 6597L, 856943893L, 607815536L, 4406L, 79L, 
4885076L, 745L, 8L, 56456L, 125140L, 73043989L, 516476L, 7L, 
4440739L, 754038591L, 375L, 53809223L, 72L, 136L, 509L, 232325L, 
13128104L, 1692L, 8581L, 23L, 5874213L, 4550L, 644668065L, 3712371L, 
5928L, 8833L, 7L, 2186023L, 61627221L, 37297L, 716427989L, 21387L
), Start.Freq = c(426355L, 22073538L, 680374L, 41771L, 54L, 6762844L, 
599171L, 108L, 257451851L, 438814L, 343045L, 4702L, 967787L, 
1937L, 18L, 89301735L, 366L, 90L, 954L, 7337732L, 70891703L, 
4139L, 10397931L, 940000382L, 7L, 38376L, 878528819L, 6287L, 
738366L, 31L, 47L, 5L, 6L, 77848L, 2366508L, 45L, 3665842L, 7252260L, 
6L, 61L, 3247L, 448348L, 1L, 705132L, 144L, 7423637L, 2L, 497L, 
844927639L, 78978L, 914L, 131L, 7089563L, 927L, 9595581L, 2774463L, 
1651L, 73509280L, 7L, 35L, 18L, 96L, 1L, 92545512L, 27354947L, 
7556L, 65019L, 7480L, 71835L, 8249L, 64792L, 71537L, 349389666L, 
280244484L, 82L, 6L, 40L, 353872L, 0L, 103L, 1255L, 4752L, 29L, 
76L, 81185L, 14L, 9L, 470775630L, 818361265L, 57947209L, 44L, 
24L, 41295L, 4L, 261449L, 9931404L, 773556640L, 930717L, 65007421L
), End.Freq = c(71000996L, 11613579L, 71377155L, 1942738L, 8760748L, 
79L, 455L, 374L, 8L, 5L, 2266932L, 597833L, 155488L, 3020L, 4L, 
554L, 4L, 16472L, 1945649L, 668181101L, 649780L, 22394365L, 93060602L, 
172146L, 20472L, 23558847L, 190513L, 22759044L, 44L, 78450L, 
205621181L, 218L, 69916344L, 23884L, 66L, 312148L, 7710564L, 
4L, 422L, 744572L, 651547554L, 45554L, 38493L, 91055218L, 38L, 
1116474L, 2295482L, 3001L, 9L, 3270L, 141L, 55595L, 38451L, 8660867L, 
14L, 96L, 345L, 6L, 44L, 8235824L, 910517L, 1424326L, 87102566L, 
53644L, 667983L, 565598L, 84L, 971L, 555498297L, 60431L, 6597L, 
856943893L, 607815536L, 4406L, 79L, 7L, 28978746L, 7537295L, 
6L, 633L, 345860066L, 802L, 1035131L, 602L, 2740L, 8065L, 61370968L, 
429953765L, 981507L, 8105L, 343787257L, 44782L, 64184L, 12981359L, 
123367978L, 818775L, 123745614L, 25345654L, 3L), Country = c("Holland", 
"Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Spain", 
"Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", 
"Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", 
"Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "France", "France", "France", 
"France", "France", "France", "France", "France", "France", "France", 
"France", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", 
"Spain", "Spain", "France", "France", "France", "France", "Holland", 
"Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", 
"Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", 
"Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", 
"Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "Holland", "France", "France", 
"France", "France", "France", "France", "France", "Spain", "Spain", 
"Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", 
"Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", "Spain", 
"Spain", "Spain", "France", "France", "France")), row.names = c(NA, 
99L), class = "data.frame")


  • You can choose the country that has the highest predicted probability for each observation:

    pred_model_Tree1 = predict(gbmFit1, newdata =, type = "prob")
    pred_model_Tree1$evaluation <- names(pred_model_Tree1)[apply(pred_model_Tree1, 1, which.max)]

    Which gives:

     France Holland   Spain 
          1      11      16 

    and then the confusionMatrix() function works with the code given.