I have several parquet files that I would like to read and join (consolidate them in a single file), but I am using a clasic solution which I think is not the best one.
Every file has two id variables used for the join and one variable which has different names in every parquet, so the to have all those variables in the same parquet.
file_path_list = ["file1.parquet","file2.parquet","file3.parquet"]
# read first file
df = spark.read.format('parquet').load(file_path_list[0])
for file_path in file_path_list[1:len(file_path_list)]:
# read every file
df_temp = spark.read.format('parquet').load(file_path)
# join to the first file
df_spine_predictions = df_spine_predictions.join(df_temp,
on =["id_foo","id_bar"],
file_path_list = ["file1.parquet",
df = spark.read.parquet(*file_path_list)
For your unsuccessful attempt, you need mergeSchema
option to read multiple parquet files with a different schema.
file_path_list = ["file1.parquet",
df = spark.read.parquet(*file_path_list, mergeSchema=True)
This will give you a result like
| 1| 1| 100| null|...
| 2| 2| 200| null|...
| 3| 3| 300| null|...
| 4| 4| 400| null|...
| 1| 1| null| 100|...
| 2| 2| null| 200|...
To surpress these nulls, you can do
(df.groupby(['id_foo', 'id_bar'])
.agg(*[F.first(x, ignorenulls=True).alias(x) for x in df.columns if x.startswith('var')])
although if you can change the schema, I would suggest to have same schema for all parquets which is easier to handle IMO.
With the same schema, you can still use pivot
to achieve your desired output.