I'd like to create a third column as a result of a cross join between my Columns A
and B
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv", sep=",")
# A B
# 0 0 Yes
# 1 8 No
# 2 2 Yes
# 3 4 Maybe
# 4 6 NA
They have the following unique values:
>>> df['A'].drop_duplicates()
0 0
2 8
41 4
119 2
1246 3
1808 1
Name: A, dtype: int64
>>> df['B'].drop_duplicates()
0 NA
2 Maybe
320 No
5575 Yes
Name: B, dtype: object
I'd like to have a df['C'] with the combination of all cross joins, thus we should have 6 * 4 = 24 unique values in it:
#Column C should have 6 * 4 classes:
(1,Yes)=1 (1,No)=6 (1, Maybe)=12 (1, NA)=18
(2,Yes)=2 (2,No)=7 (2, maybe)=13 ...
(3,Yes)=3 (3,No)=8 ...
(4,Yes)=4 (4,No)=9
(8,Yes)=5 ...
Thus we should have the following:
# A B C
# 0 0 Yes 0
# 1 8 No 9
# 2 2 Yes 2
# 3 4 Maybe 15
# 4 8 NA 22
Using this method, I have the following error:
out = df.merge(df[['B']].drop_duplicates().merge(df['A'].drop_duplicates(),how='cross').assign(C=lambda x : x.index+1))
"No common columns to perform merge on. "
pandas.errors.MergeError: No common columns to perform merge on. Merge options: left_on=None, right_on=None, left_index=False, right_index=False
Any help would be appreciated.
Why don't you use the good old itertools:
from itertools import product
cats = list(product(df['A'].unique(), df['B'].unique()))
# merge with this
pd.DataFrame(cats, columns=['A','B']).assign(C=range(len(cats)))
Output for the example data:
0 0 Yes 0
1 0 No 1
2 0 Maybe 2
3 0 NaN 3
4 8 Yes 4
5 8 No 5
6 8 Maybe 6
7 8 NaN 7
8 2 Yes 8
9 2 No 9
10 2 Maybe 10
11 2 NaN 11
12 4 Yes 12
13 4 No 13
14 4 Maybe 14
15 4 NaN 15
16 6 Yes 16
17 6 No 17
18 6 Maybe 18
19 6 NaN 19