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How can I remove the delete button next to the choose file button in easyadmin symfony?

How can I remove the delete button next to the choose file button in easyadmin symfony?

i want to remove the delete button next to the choose file button

Image Of the delete button

class ProjectCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
    public static function getEntityFqcn(): string
        return Project::class;

    public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable

        $imageFile1= TextField::new('imageFile')->setFormType(VichImageType::class);
        $imageFile2= TextField::new('imageFile2')->setFormType(VichImageType::class);
        if($pageName==Crud::PAGE_INDEX || $pageName == Crud::PAGE_DETAIL){
        return $fields;


  • ImageField is using FileUploadType as a form type.

    If you look into it you can mind some options that can interest you:

            $view->vars['multiple'] = $options['multiple'];
            $view->vars['allow_add'] = $options['allow_add'];
            $view->vars['allow_delete'] = $options['allow_delete'];
            $view->vars['download_path'] = $options['download_path'];

    For your VichFileType, it's the same option name that will help you.

    You want to disabled the delete button, so you can use the option called allow_delete.

    With easy admin, you can use setFormTypeOption($optionName, $optionValue) to modify form options.

    So just do:

        $imageFile1= TextField::new('imageFile')
            ->setFormTypeOption('allow_delete', false);
            ->setFormTypeOption('allow_delete', false);
        $imageFile2= TextField::new('imageFile2')
            ->setFormTypeOption('allow_delete', false);
            ->setFormTypeOption('allow_delete', false);