Is it possible to detect which network (testnet
, mainnet
etc..) your contract is in via, for example, env
in Rust? I have a contract that will be deployed to both testnet and mainnet and I have logic that depends on the network.
There are a two things you can do in this case that I could think of.
, you could right split env::current_account_id()
and check for .testnet
at the end of the account ID.Note: This method won't work if your contract is deployed to an implicit account.
An example of the code is:
// Get this with env::current_account_id();
let str = "benji.testnet.fayyr.testnet".to_string();
// Get the split at the end of the string using `.testnet`
let split_check = str.rsplit_once(".testnet");
// Default network to mainnet
let mut network = "mainnet";
// If `.testnet` was found, make sure it was at the end of the account ID
if let Some(split) = split_check {
if split.1.len() == 0 {
network = "testnet";