I am using VTK for creating my meshes. I am new to it and I am facing 2 issues.
My Code sample is:
def extrude_polygon(vertices, holes, extrude):
cell = vtkIdList()
points = [[point[0], point[1]] for point in vertices]
# points = remove_recursion(points)
# Create points
poly_points = vtkPoints()
[(poly_points.InsertNextPoint(pt[0], pt[1], 0), cell.InsertNextId(i)) for i, pt in enumerate(points)]
# Create a PolyData object and add points
pd = vtkPolyData()
pd.Allocate(1, 1)
# pd.InsertNextCell(VTK_POLYGON, cell)
pd.InsertNextCell(vtkConstants.VTK_POLYGON, cell)
prod = vtkTrivialProducer()
extr = vtkLinearExtrusionFilter()
extr.SetVector(0, 0, extrude)
pn = vtkPolyDataNormals()
return pn
Current Output:
Expected Output:
You can try with vtkContourTriangulator
, eg using vedo
from vedo import Line, merge, show
outpts = [
(515.5, 146.0),
(516.1, 429.8),
(460.0, 440.8),
(423.3, 489.6),
(425.2, 534.2),
(131.6, 532.3),
(132.2, 337.7),
(242.7, 339.5),
(278.7, 323.0),
(300.7, 304.1),
(320.2, 268.1),
(323.9, 236.4),
(323.9, 146.0),
inpts = [
(395.9, 352.9),
(384.9, 358.4),
(371.5, 356.0),
(364.1, 347.4),
(367.2, 331.6),
(376.4, 324.8),
(386.7, 324.2),
(398.3, 328.5),
l1 = Line(outpts, lw=3, closed=True)
l2 = Line(inpts, lw=3, closed=True)
m = merge(l1, l2).triangulate().lw(0)
sm = m.extrude(50).flat().lighting("default")
show(l1, l2, sm, axes=1)